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Bag format

schneith edited this page Jun 2, 2014 · 22 revisions

All applications in Kalibr use ROS bags as a source for its sensor data (image and IMU).

###Can I use image files and IMU data as CSV files? A bagcreater script is provided to use image files and/or IMU data for the calibration

####bagcreater This script allows you to create a ROS bag from raw image files and optionally IMU data. The files have to be organized in folders as illustrated below for a system with two cameras and an IMU

├── cam0
│ ├── 1385030208726607500.png
│ ├── ...
│ └── 1385030212176607500.png
├── cam1
│ ├── 1385030208726607500.png
│ ├── ...
│ └── 1385030212176607500.png
└── imu0.csv

+-- src                  <-- C++ wrapper .cpp files go in here
+-- python
|   +-- robot_awesome    <-- python initialization files go in here

The imu0.csv file is structured as follows (timestamps=[ns], omega=[rad/s], alpha=[m/s^2])


To create the ROS bag run the following command:

rosrun aslam_calibration bagcreater --folder dataset-dir --output awsome.bag

The data will be written to the following topics:

  • /cam0/image_raw
  • /cam1/image_raw
  • /imu0

####bagextractor The bagextractor exports a ROS bag containing image and/or IMU data to image files and IMU data as csv files.

Example usage:

rosrun aslam_calibration bagextractor --image-topics /cam0/image_raw /cam1/image_raw --imu-topics /imu0 --output-folder dataset-dir --bag awsome.bag