Releases: etherlabsio/healthcheck
Releases · etherlabsio/healthcheck
Compatibility with Go Mod
This version aims to be compatible with the Go Mod packaging and semver naming conventions, addressing #26 .
Update the diskchecker
Thanks to the following contributors for this release:
Bug fixes
- diskcheckher: migrate diskchecker to sys/unix #25 (thanks @bkatrenko)
2.0.2: Merge pull request #18 from etherlabsio/set-default-timeout
- Adds the default timeout of 30s
2.0.1: Merge pull request #17 from etherlabsio/add-gopher-logo
- Documentation has been updated
A huge thanks to all the contributors for this release.
- Concurrent checks for all the checkers. This should prove to decrease latency for healthcheck response if there are a bunch of checkers doing Network I/O.
- Optional global timeout for all checkers, in case you'd like to restrict the max response time. This includes context cancellation. This results in a breaking change since the checker requires the context to be passed for signalling cancellation. Thanks to @pcasaretto for working on this.
- Observers, which are non-essential checkers that do not need to result in healthcheck failure, but can be captured for error logging.
The initial release.