- Coding session on getting started with cryptozombies https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Ethereum-Meetup/events/249664436/
- We will go through the tutorial: https://cryptozombies.io/
- The content of the tutorial is described here: https://sphere.social/hello/blogs/view/4717/create-cryptozombies-and-learn-solidity
- Great guide in the web3 implementation https://medium.com/coinmonks/solidity-and-web3-js-141115b0f8c5
- Install Ganache http://truffleframework.com/ganache/
- Install node & npm https://nodejs.org/en/ (version 8 or 9 is fine)
- Install truffle from the command line:
npm install -g truffle
- Install a text editor https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/WI/WebStorm+EAP
- Install a local webserver:
npm install -g http-server
If you would like to use Infura to not sync a local node use a HD wallet http://truffleframework.com/tutorials/using-infura-custom-provider
- Install HDwallet to use infura nodes: npm i truffle-hdwallet-provider
- Note windows users if you get a MSBUILD error you have to install: npm install -g windows-build-tools
truffle development - launches a local blockchain Note windows users should type "truffle.cmd development"
You can deploy your contracts by using command "migrate"
The contract can be debugged as described here: http://truffleframework.com/docs/getting_started/debugging
The contract can be tested as described here: http://truffleframework.com/docs/getting_started/javascript-tests
Note, if you get and error while migrating, please delete files in folder /build/contracts
- Deploy to rinkeby: truffle migrate --network rinkebyinfura
- Deploy to local ganache blockchain truffle migrate --network development
- launch web-server with command: http-server
- Visit url with browser having metamask installed, unlocked and connected to it to Rinkeby network
- In the console create your first zombie bt typing: createRandomZombie("SOME NAME")
Display zombies getZombiesByOwner(userAccount) .then(displayZombies);
Create zombie createRandomZombie("TEST NANE")
Find zombie id getZombiesByOwner(userAccount)
Transfer zombie transferZombie('0xf64e39c5911d22f0f87d35c0ab70fa105bab2ec3',4)