>Python 3.8
- Latest version of Python
- Latest version of chrome
- Geckodriver for firefox
- ChromeDriver for chrome and it is version specific
- To know your chrome version got to settings/help
- as on 21-05-2020 the latest exe files are here
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install selenium
pip install PyAutoIt
pip install os-sys
pip install python-csv
ChromeDriver used: If this versions becomes outdated or gives problem download the latest version from Download Link (or) FirefoxDriver used: Geckodriver for firefox
After downloading the driver you will have to add the location of those exe files in path.Chrome is prefered if your using firefox then modify the code in whatsapp.py file. by default it is using chrome drivers just change the below code.
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
driver = webdriver.Firefox()
pip install webdriver-manager
step-1:git clone or download the zip of this repo then cd Mass-whatsapp-msg-sender
step-2:get your mobile ready to scan the qr code
step-3:I suggest you to use chrome so update to the latest version
step-4:Type the message in the 'message.txt' file
step-5:Type the phone numbers in the 'numbers.csv' each number should start with country code without '+'
step-6:each number should be in seperate line without comas or colon's
step-7:then run the below command in the terminal or cmd.
python whatsapp.py
step-8:as soon as the browser loads the whatsapp desktop webpage, scan the qr with your mobile
step-9:now time to relax
Paste your document in the Documents Folder in the directory.Then go to whatsapp.py file and paste the document name along with file extension
in the variable doc_filename.
By default it is set to NULL.
Do enter your country code then contact number.
Use: 919999999999
Don't Use: +919999999999 For scanning qr to get whatsapp web using ios or android devices
⭐ the repo