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Dotfiles and machine configuration

Everything1 is under version control in GitHub and have done so to be able to install other machines in a reproducible way.

The software I need is typically installed via Homebrew, so it is quite MacOS oriented. Installing from Apple Store could benefit from mas but I haven't tried yet.

I store the instructions to do set my machines up in various files/scripts similarly to what Mathias Bynens did.

Dotfiles' Repo Setup

I use the detached work tree approach whereby I keep my GIT repo away from my HOME directory.

ignoring, the global setup

The following is expecially needed for a dotfiles repo

  • setup what to ignore:
    $ cd $HOME
    $ cat <<EOF
    # specific ignores
    # do not ignore:
    EOF > $HOME/.gitignore_global
  • and add it to the global git config in $HOME
    $ git config --global core.excludesfile $HOME/.gitignore_global

Initial Setup: put your dotfiles under git

I got inspired by this post (no more reacheable) and this is how I did it:

  • create your git repo
    $ cd $HOME
    $ mkdir -p $HOME/.dotfiles
  • make an alias, home, to manage this special repo
    $ echo "alias home='git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'" >> $HOME/.zshrc
    $ source $HOME/.zshrc
  • init the repo and start adding dotfiles
    $ home init
    $ home add $HOME/.bash_profile $HOME/.bashrc $HOME/.bash_aliases
    $ home commit -m 'Initial commit'
    $ home remote add origin
    $ home push origin master

set it up on a second/third/... machine

Now to use (and contribute) from a different machine

  • backup your existing dot files
  • clone the repo
    $ cd $HOME
    $ git clone /tmp/dotfiles.git
  • move git repo configuration info in $HOME/.dotfiles/
    $ mv /tmp/dotfiles.git/.git $HOME/.dotfiles/
  • enable dotglob and copy the dot files to $HOME
    $ setopt -s dotglob # in bash
    $ setopt globdots # in zsh
    $ mv -i /tmp/dotfiles.git/* $HOME

Finally properly configure what to ignore, see the 'ignoring' section above.

Use home ls-files to list the version controlled dotfiles.

Install applications



Shell configuration

See .zsh-config.


  1. Detached work tree approach.
  2. I got inspired from this, this and this as well.


  1. well almost, I am not yet decided on how to manage secrets...separate private repo? Then what about framework data/privacy leaks? What about personal mistakes?


version control my personal dotfiles, see for README






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