Team Production System is an app for mentees to schedule one-on-one sessions with mentors.
- Features
- Run Locally
- Running Celery and Redis Locally
- Run Locally via Docker Containers
- Environment Variables
- Testing
- Linting
- Submitting Code
- API Reference
Contributions are always welcome!
See for ways to get started.
Please adhere to this project's code of conduct.
- Users can setup profiles as a mentor or mentee.
- Mentors can set their skill set and avalibilty.
- Mentees can schedule sessions with the menots, filtered by skills and avalibilty
- Mentors can confirm sessions
- Both mentor and mentee can cancel a session prior to session start time.
Clone the project:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd Team_Production_System_BE
Set up a virtual environment for the project using pipenv. If you don't have pipenv installed, you can install it using pip:
pip install pipenv
Then, activate the virtual environment by running:
pipenv shell
Install the project dependencies:
pipenv install
Set up the database by running the migrations:
python migrate
Start the development server:
python runserver
The app should now be running at http://localhost:8000/
Only needed if you want 15/60 minute reminders of scheduled sessions.
Start the Redis server:
Start the Celery server:
celery -A config.celery worker --loglevel=info
Start the Celery Beat server:
celery -A config.celery beat -l debug
Note: Docker and Docker Desktop are required to be installed on your machine for this method. You will also need to have your .env file set up.
Create or update requirements.txt
with any new plugins from Pipfile:
pipenv requirements > requirements.txt
Note: If this step deletes everything in the requirements.txt file, your pipenv is out of date. You can update it with the following command:
pip install --user --upgrade pipenv
Build docker images:
docker compose build
Spin up docker containers:
docker compose up
The app should now be running at http://localhost:8000/
You can also view the Django admin UI at the /admin/ endpoint. Use the DJANGO_SUPERUSER credentials you set in the .env file.
If you want to connect to the container database via an app like Postico 2, the settings needed are:
- Host: localhost
- Port: 5433
- Database: mentors
- User: mentors
- Password: mentors
While running, the Django server will automatically detect changes made and reload, just as if it was running in your local environment. Certain file changes, such as to a model, won't trigger this behavior. In these cases, stop then restart the containers.
To stop running the containers, hit Ctrl+C, then spin down the containers:
docker compose down
The database is persistant. If you make changes to a model, run makemigrations before resetting the the database. Follow these 2 steps once the containers are no longer running:
- Remove the persistant volume:
docker volume rm team_production_system_be_postgres_data
- Rebuild the docker images without the cached data:
docker compose build --no-cache
The next time you spin up the docker containers, the database will be empty again.
Create a file named .env in the root directory of your project. This file will contain your environment variables.
Open the .env file in a text editor and set your environment variables in the following format: 'VARIABLE_NAME=value'
For example:
CELERY_BROKER_URL = local_redis_url
CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = local_redis_url
DATABASE_URL: This should be set to the URL of your database. Depending on your database type, this may include a username, password, host, and port.
SECRET_KEY: This should be set to a secret key that is used for cryptographic signing in Django. It is important that this value is kept secret and is not shared publicly.
DEBUG: This should be set to a boolean value (True or False) and is used to enable or disable debugging in Django. It is recommended to set this to False in production environments.
DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERNAME: This should be set to the username you want to use for the Django superuser account.
DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD: This should be set to the password you want to use for the Django superuser account.
DJANGO_SUPERUSER_EMAIL: This should be set to the email address you want to use for the Django superuser account.
CELERY_BROKER_URL: This should be set to your local redis url.
CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND: This should be set to your local redis url.
- Save the .env file.
For testing this app, we are using Django Test Case and Django REST Framework API Test Case along with for test coverage reporting.
To run tests:
python test
To skip a test that isn't finished, add the following before the test class:
@unittest.skip("Test file is not ready yet")
To run coverage for test:
coverage run test
After you run tests you can get the report in command-line by running:
coverage report
For an interactive html report, run:
coverage html
Then in the htmlcov
folder of the project, open the file index.html
in a browser. Here you can see an indepth analysis of coverage and what lines need testing. Click available links to view specific file coverage data.
Here is some helpful information on testing in Django and Django REST Framework:
To keep our code easy to read and use please make sure it passes flake8 linting before submitting your code. To run in terminal:
Each error will show the file name and line to find the error. The command can be run over and over again until errors are cleared.
We use a pre-commit to check branch names and commit messages. Please follow the the following schema for branch names and commit messages:
Branch names should be in the following format:
Type: The type of branch. This should be one of the following:
- feat - Adding a new feature
- bugfix - Fixing bugs in the code
- hotfix - For emergency fixes
- test - Experimental changes for testing purposes
- chore - Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation
Issue Number: The issue number associated with the branch. This should be the number of the issue in the GitHub repository or the trello board.
Description: A short description of the branch. This should be in lowercase and use dashes instead of spaces.
Commit messages should be in the following format:
<type>(<scope>): <description>
Type: Represents the type of change that was made. This should be one of the following:
- feat - Adding a new feature
- fix - Fixing bugs in the code
- docs - Changes to documentation
- style - Changes to code style
- refactor - Changes to code that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
- perf - Changes to code that improves performance
- test - Adding or updating tests
- build - Changes to the build process or dependencies
- ci - Changes to CI configuration files and scripts
- chore - Miscellaneous changes, such as updating packages or bumping a version number
- revert - Reverting a previous commit
Scope: This is optional but can provide additional contextual information. It describes the section or aspect of the codebase affected by the change. For example, auth for authentication-related changes or header for changes to a website's header component.
Description: A concise description of the changes. Start with a lowercase verb indicating what was done (e.g., add, update, remove, fix).
- User Endpoints
- Mentor Endpoints
- Mentee Endpoints
- Availability Endpoints
- Session Endpoints
- Notification Endpoints
- Create a new user
- Note: the username will automatically be converted to all lowercase letters
Body | Type | Description |
username |
string |
New Username |
password |
string |
User generated password |
re_password |
string |
User generated password |
email |
string |
User generated email |
POST /auth/users/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: N/A
"username": "TestUserLogin",
"email": "",
"password": "TestUserPassword",
"re_password": "TestUserPassword",
"email": "",
"username": "testuserlogin",
"id": 5
- Create a user token.
- Username must be lowercase
Body | Type | Description |
username |
string |
Username (lowercase) |
password |
string |
User generated password |
POST /auth/token/login/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: N/A
"username": "testuserlogin" ,
"password": "TestUserPassword"
"auth_token": "****************************************"
- Log the current user out.
Body | Type | Description |
username |
string |
Username |
password |
string |
User generated password |
POST /auth/token/logout/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
"username": "testuserlogin" ,
"password": "TestUserPassword",
No body returned for response
- View the current logged in users information
Body | Type | Description |
username |
string |
Username |
first_name |
string |
User generated first name |
last_name |
string |
User generated last name |
email |
string |
User generated email |
phone_number |
string |
User generated phone number |
profile_photo |
form-data |
User submitted profile photo |
is_mentor |
boolean |
Is mentor flag |
is_mentee |
boolean |
Is mentee flag |
is_active |
boolean |
Is active flag |
GET /myprofile/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
"pk": 6,
"username": "testusername",
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "",
"email": "",
"phone_number": null,
"profile_photo": null,
"is_mentor": false,
"is_mentee": false,
"is_active": true
- Update the users profile information.
- Note: This endpoint has multipart/form-data content type.
Body | Type | Description |
username |
string |
Username |
first_name |
string |
User generated first name |
last_name |
string |
User generated last name |
email |
string |
User generated email |
phone_number |
string |
User generated phone number |
profile_photo |
form-data |
User submitted profile photo |
is_mentor |
boolean |
Is mentor flag |
is_mentee |
boolean |
Is mentee flag |
is_active |
boolean |
Is active flag |
PATCH /myprofile/
Content-Type: Multipart/form-data
Authorization: Required
body: MultiPartFormData,
"username": "testusername",
"first_name": "testuserfirstname",
"last_name": "testuserlastname",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "+12345678987",
"profile_photo": ".../testuser.jpg",
"is_mentor": true
"pk": 6,
"username": "testusername",
"first_name": "testuserfirstname",
"last_name": "testuserlastname",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "+12345678987",
"profile_photo": ".../testuser.jpg",
"is_mentor": true,
"is_mentee": false,
"is_active": true
- View a list of all user with the mentors flag (Expired availabilties are filtered out)
Body | Type | Description |
pk |
int |
The user pk |
username |
string |
Username |
first_name |
string |
User generated first name |
last_name |
string |
User generated last name |
is_mentor |
boolean |
Is mentor flag |
profile_photo |
form-data |
User submitted profile photo |
Nested Information:
Body | Type | Description |
about_me |
string |
Information about the user |
skills |
string |
Skills the user has |
availabilities |
array |
Availabilities the mentor has |
GET /mentor/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
"pk": 6,
"username": "testusername",
"first_name": "Test",
"last_name": "User",
"is_mentor": true,
"mentor_profile": {
"about_me": "I am test user",
"skills": [
"availabilities": [
"pk": 2,
"mentor": 6,
"start_time": "2023-04-12T05:30:00Z",
"end_time": "2023-04-12T15:30:00Z"
- Create information about the current logged-in mentor.
Body | Type | Description |
pk |
int |
The mentor pk |
about_me |
string |
Information about the user |
skills |
array |
Skills the user has |
team_number |
int |
Mentor's team number |
Nested Information:
Body | Type | Description |
availabilities |
array |
Availabilities the mentor has |
POST /mentorinfo/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
"about_me": "Hi, I am so and so and do such and such",
"skills": ["CSS"],
"team_number": 10,
"pk": 1,
"about_me": "Hi, I am so and so and do such and such",
"skills": [
"availabilities": [],
"team_number": 10
- Retrieve information about the current logged-in mentor.
Body | Type | Description |
pk |
int |
The mentor pk |
about_me |
string |
Information about the user |
skills |
string |
Skills the user has |
team_number |
int |
Mentor's team number |
Nested Information:
Body | Type | Description |
availabilities |
array |
Availabilities the mentor has |
GET /mentorinfo/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
"pk": 1,
"about_me": "Hi, I am so and so and do such and such",
"skills": [
"availabilities": [
"pk": 1,
"mentor": 2,
"start_time": "2023-04-12T14:30:00Z",
"end_time": "2023-04-12T15:30:00Z"
"team_number": 10
- Update information about the current logged-in mentor.
Body | Type | Description |
pk |
int |
The mentor pk |
about_me |
string |
Information about the user |
skills |
array |
Skills the user has |
team_number |
int |
Mentor's team number |
Nested Information:
Body | Type | Description |
availabilities |
array |
Availabilities the mentor has |
PATCH /mentorinfoupdate/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
"skills": "Python"
"pk": 1,
"about_me": "Hi, I am so and so and do such and such",
"skills": [
"availabilities": [
"pk": 1,
"mentor": 2,
"start_time": "2023-04-12T14:30:00Z",
"end_time": "2023-04-12T15:30:00Z"
"team_number": 10
- Delete information about the current logged-in mentor.
Body | Type | Description |
about_me |
string |
Information about the user |
skills |
string |
Skills the user has |
DELETE /mentorinfoupdate/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
No body returned to response
- View a list of mentors filtered by their skill.
GET -<str:skills>/
Body | Type | Description |
about_me |
string |
Information about the user |
skills |
string |
Skills the user has |
GET mentor/<str:skills>/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
"pk": 2,
"about_me": "Hi i'm testuser, I like to code.",
"skills": [
"pk": 5,
"about_me": "Coding is so fun",
"skills": [
"pk": 6,
"about_me": "Hi, I'm testuser",
"skills": "HTML"
- View a list of all user with the mentee flag set to true
Body | Type | Description |
pk |
int |
The user pk |
username |
string |
Username |
first_name |
string |
User generated first name |
last_name |
string |
User generated last name |
is_mentee |
boolean |
Is mentee flag |
profile_photo |
form-data |
User submitted profile photo |
Nested Information:
Body | Type | Description |
team_number |
int |
Team number associated with the user |
GET /mentee/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
"pk": 4,
"username": "testusername",
"first_name": "Test",
"last_name": "User",
"is_mentee": true,
"mentee_profile": {
"team_number": 4
- Create information about the current logged-in mentee.
Body | Type | Description |
team_number |
int |
Team number associated with the user |
POST /menteeinfo/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
"team_number": "4"
"team_number": 4
- Retrieve information about the current logged-in mentee.
Body | Type | Description |
team_number |
int |
Team number associated with the user |
GET /menteeinfo/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
"team_number": 4
- Update information about the current logged-in mentee.
Body | Type | Description |
team_number |
int |
Team number associated with the user |
PATCH /menteeinfoupdate/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
"team_number": "5"
"team_number": 5
- Delete information about the current logged-in mentee.
Body | Type | Description |
team_number |
int |
Team number associated with the user |
DELETE /menteeinfoupdate/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
No body returned to response
- Get mentor availabilty
- This endpoint filters out any expired availabilty. Only shows availabilty that is in the future.
Body | Type | Description |
pk |
int |
The pk of the availabilty |
mentor |
int |
The pk of the mentor attached to the availabilty |
start_time |
date-time |
Start time of the availabilty |
end_time |
date-time |
Start time of the availabilty |
GET /availabilty/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
"pk": 19,
"mentor": 4,
"start_time": "1999-12-31T14:30:00Z",
"end_time": "1999-12-31T15:30:00Z"
"pk": 20,
"mentor": 5,
"start_time": "1999-12-31T14:30:00Z",
"end_time": "1999-12-31T15:30:00Z"
"pk": 21,
"mentor": 4,
"start_time": "1999-12-31T14:30:00Z",
"end_time": "1999-12-31T15:30:00Z"
"pk": 22,
"mentor": 7,
"start_time": "1999-12-31T14:30:00Z",
"end_time": "1999-12-31T15:30:00Z"
- Get mentor availabilty
- This endpoint filters out any expired availabilty
- Only shows availabilty with end_time in future.
- Availability reponse ordered from present to future
- Must pass version number in headers.
Body | Type | Description |
pk |
int |
The pk of the availabilty |
mentor |
int |
The pk of the mentor attached to the availabilty |
start_time |
date-time |
Start time of the availabilty |
end_time |
date-time |
Start time of the availabilty |
status |
string |
Status of the availability |
GET /availabilty/
Content-Type: json
Accept: version=v2
Authorization: Required
"pk": 19,
"mentor": 4,
"start_time": "1999-12-31T14:30:00Z",
"end_time": "1999-12-31T15:30:00Z"
"pk": 20,
"mentor": 5,
"start_time": "1999-12-31T15:30:00Z",
"end_time": "1999-12-31T16:30:00Z"
"pk": 21,
"mentor": 4,
"start_time": "1999-12-31T16:30:00Z",
"end_time": "1999-12-31T18:30:00Z"
"pk": 22,
"mentor": 7,
"start_time": "1999-12-31T18:30:00Z",
"end_time": "1999-12-31T19:30:00Z"
- Add mentor availabilty
- Start time must be in the future
- End time must be after start time
Body | Type | Description |
pk |
int |
The pk of the availabilty |
mentor |
int |
The pk of the mentor attached to the availabilty |
start_time |
date-time |
Start time of the availabilty |
end_time |
date-time |
Start time of the availabilty |
POST /availabilty/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
"start_time": "1999-12-31T14:30:00Z",
"end_time": "1999-12-31T15:30:00Z"
"pk": 23,
"mentor": 4,
"start_time": "1999-12-31T14:30:00Z",
"end_time": "1999-12-31T14:30:00Z"
- Add mentor availabilty
- Availability saves to database in 30 min chunks
- Status defaults to 'Open'
- Must pass version number in headers.
Body | Type | Description |
pk |
int |
The pk of the availabilty |
mentor |
int |
The pk of the mentor attached to the availabilty |
start_time |
date-time |
Start time of the availabilty |
end_time |
date-time |
Start time of the availabilty |
status |
string |
Status of the availability |
POST /v2/availabilty/
Content-Type: json
Accept: version=v2
Authorization: Required
"start_time": "1999-12-31T14:30:00Z",
"end_time": "1999-12-31T15:30:00Z"
"pk": 23,
"mentor": 1,
"start_time": "1999-12-31T14:30:00Z",
"end_time": "1999-12-31T15:00:00Z",
"status": "Open"
"pk": 24,
"mentor": 1,
"start_time": "1999-12-31T15:00:00Z",
"end_time": "1999-12-31T15:30:00Z",
"status": "Open"
- Delete a mentor availabilty
DELETE -<int:pk>/
Body | Type | Description |
pk |
int |
The pk of the availabilty |
DELETE /availabilty/<int:pk>/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
No body returned to response
- Get a list of all sessions
Body | Type | Description |
pk |
int |
The pk of the session |
mentor_firstname |
string |
The first name of the mentor attached to session |
mentor_lastname |
string |
The last name of the mentor attached to session |
mentor_avaliabilty |
int |
The avalibility pk attached to mentor |
mentor |
int |
The pk of the mentor attached to the availabilty |
mentee |
int |
The pk of the mentee attached to the session |
start_time |
date-time |
Start time of the availabilty |
end_time |
date-time |
Start time of the availabilty |
status |
string |
Status of the session |
session_length |
int |
Length of the session |
GET /session/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
"pk": 5,
"mentor_first_name": "Test User",
"mentor_last_name": "Test User",
"mentor_availability": 2,
"mentee": 3,
"start_time": "2023-04-12T15:30:00Z",
"end_time": "2023-04-12T16:00:00Z",
"status": "Pending",
"session_length": 60
"pk": 2,
"mentor_first_name": "Test User",
"mentor_last_name": "Test User",
"mentor_availability": 2,
"mentee": 3,
"start_time": "2023-04-12T15:30:00Z",
"end_time": "2023-04-12T16:00:00Z",
"status": "Confirmed",
"session_length": 30
"pk": 6,
"mentor_first_name": "Test User",
"mentor_last_name": "Test User",
"mentor_availability": 2,
"mentee": 3,
"start_time": "2023-04-12T15:30:00Z",
"end_time": "2023-04-12T16:00:00Z",
"status": "Confirmed",
"session_length": 30
"pk": 7,
"mentor_first_name": "Test User",
"mentor_last_name": "Test User",
"mentor_availability": 2,
"mentee": 3,
"start_time": "2023-04-12T15:30:00Z",
"end_time": "2023-04-12T16:00:00Z",
"status": "Canceled",
"session_length": 30
- Get a list of all archived sessions (start time earlier than 24 hrs before time of request)
Body | Type | Description |
pk |
int |
The pk of the session |
mentor_firstname |
string |
The first name of the mentor attached to session |
mentor_lastname |
string |
The last name of the mentor attached to session |
mentor_avaliabilty |
int |
The avalibility pk attached to mentor |
mentor |
int |
The pk of the mentor attached to the availabilty |
mentee |
int |
The pk of the mentee attached to the session |
start_time |
date-time |
Start time of the availabilty |
end_time |
date-time |
Start time of the availabilty |
status |
string |
Status of the session |
session_length |
int |
Length of the session |
GET /archivesession/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
"pk": 1,
"mentor_first_name": "Test-mentor",
"mentor_last_name": "Test-mentor",
"mentor_availability": 1,
"mentee": 3,
"mentee_first_name": "Test-mentee",
"mentee_last_name": "Test-mentee",
"start_time": "2023-05-22T12:00:00Z",
"end_time": "2023-05-22T12:30:00Z",
"status": "Confirmed",
"session_length": 30
- Create a session with a mentor
Body | Type | Description |
pk |
int |
The pk of the session |
mentor_firstname |
string |
The first name of the mentor attached to session |
mentor_lastname |
string |
The last name of the mentor attached to session |
mentor_avaliabilty |
int |
The avalibility pk attached to mentor |
mentor |
int |
The pk of the mentor attached to the availabilty |
mentee |
int |
The pk of the mentee attached to the session |
start_time |
date-time |
Start time of the availabilty |
end_time |
date-time |
Start time of the availabilty |
status |
string |
Status of the session |
session_length |
int |
Length of the session |
POST /sessionrequest/
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
"mentor_availability": 8,
"start_time": "2020-06-23T21:30:00.000Z",
"session_length": 60
"pk": 8,
"mentor_first_name": "testuser",
"mentor_last_name": "testuser",
"mentor_availability": 8,
"mentee": 3,
"mentee_first_name": "Test",
"mentee_last_name": "Mentee",
"start_time": "2020-04-26T21:00:00Z",
"end_time": "2020-04-26T22:00:00Z",
"status": "Pending",
"session_length": 60
- Update a session status
PATCH -<int:pk>
Body | Type | Description |
pk |
int |
The pk of the session |
mentor_firstname |
string |
The first name of the mentor attached to session |
mentor_lastname |
string |
The last name of the mentor attached to session |
mentor_avaliabilty |
int |
The avalibility pk attached to mentor |
mentor |
int |
The pk of the mentor attached to the availabilty |
mentee |
int |
The pk of the mentee attached to the session |
start_time |
date-time |
Start time of the availabilty |
end_time |
date-time |
Start time of the availabilty |
status |
string |
Status of the session |
session_length |
int |
Length of the session |
PATCH /sessionrequest/<int:pk>
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
"status": "Confirmed"
"pk": 8,
"mentor_first_name": "testuser",
"mentor_last_name": "testuser",
"mentor_availability": 8,
"mentee": 3,
"start_time": "2020-04-26T21:00:00Z",
"end_time": "2020-04-26T22:00:00Z",
"status": "Confirmed",
"session_length": 60
- Update user's notification settings
PATCH -<int:pk>
Body | Type | Description |
pk |
int |
The pk of the notification |
session_requested |
boolean |
Session requested notification flag |
session_confirmed |
boolean |
Session confirmation notification flag |
session_canceled |
boolean |
Session cancellation notification flag |
fifteen_minute_alert |
boolean |
15-minute alert notification flag |
sixty_minute_alert |
int |
60-minute alert notification flag |
PATCH /notificationsettings/<int:pk>
Content-Type: json
Authorization: Required
"sixty_minute_alert": "True"
"pk": 4,
"user": 3,
"session_requested": false,
"session_confirmed": false,
"session_canceled": true,
"fifteen_minute_alert": false,
"sixty_minute_alert": true