USB small joystick (also known as a thumbstick) compatible with the Xbox Adaptive Controller. No soldering.
The joystick connects to the Pro Micro 2040 board using a Qwiic cable.
- SparkFun Pro Micro - RP2040
- SparkFun Qwiic Joystick
- SparkFun Qwiic Cable - 50mm
The following Adafruit board might be a substitute for the SparkFun Pro Micro RP2040. Stemma QT and Qwiic are mostly compatible. See
- Adafruit Trinkey QT2040 - RP2040 USB Key with Stemma QT
Install both libraries using the IDE Library Manager.
- Adafruit TinyUSB Library
- SparkFun Qwiic Joystick Arduino Library
Be sure to change the Tool | USB Stack from "Pico SDK" to "Adafruit TinyUSB". If this is not done, the compile will fail with the following message.
#error TinyUSB is not selected, please select it in "Tools->Menu->USB Stack"