Setup: Copy the required* files into the following subfolders of /lemmings folder: orig_demo, orig, ohno_demo, ohno, xmas91, xmas92, holi93_demo, holi93, holi94_demo and/or holi94. You need to fill at least one folder to play the game. To avoid duplicates, you may only fill these folders if you own all Lemmings games: orig, ohno, xmas91, xmas92, holi94
The game uses the NDSP service to play audio. Thus you need a DSP firm dump to have audio. You may want to use your own sound and/or music files. Put your wave files into lemmings/audio folder. See README.txt in that folder for more details.
* See README.txt in these folders.
These files are not included (and will never be included), because they are protected by copyright law.
For game control, see CONTROL.txt.