WIP game in EntityX. A lot of systems and components are copied over from SimpleEngine.
Currently only working with CMake Visual Studio 15 2017 generator on Windows. Thirdparty libraries are downloaded by CMake on generation.
- EntityX, Entity framework, github.com/alecthomas/entityx
- GLM, Maths, glm.g-truc.net/0.9.9/index.html
- SDL2, Window and input, libsdl.org
- GLAD, GL wrapper, github.com/Dav1dde/glad
- Assimp, Mesh and scene loading, assimp.org
- STB, Image and font loading, github.com/nothings/stb
- Bullet3, Collision and physics, pybullet.org/wordpress/
- ImGui, User interface, github.com/ocornut/imgui
- libsoundio, Sound buffer, github.com/andrewrk/libsoundio
- Steam Audio, Audio spatialization, valvesoftware.github.io/steam-audio/
- libnyquist, Sound loading, github.com/ddiakopoulos/libnyquist