This module mimics the atrpms-release rpm. The same repos are enabled/disabled and the GPG key is imported. In the end you will end up with the ATrpms repos configured. The work is heavily modeled on (read: stolen from) Mike Stahnke's EPEL module.
The following repo will be setup and enabled by default:
- atrpms
NOTE: This module requires stahnma/epel but does not enable the EPEL module by default. It does however use epel::gpg_rpm_key to avoid redefining the same functionality.
If you have an http proxy required to access the internet, you can use the $proxy variable in the params.pp file. If it is set to a value other than 'absent' a proxy will be setup with each repository. Note that otherwise each of the repos will fall back to settings in the /etc/yum.conf file.
- This was tested using Puppet 2.7.x on Centos5/6
- I assume it will work on any RHEL variant
- Also, I think this should work with earlier versions of Puppet (2.6.x at least)
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