Note: Tests that use this module and fail will not have power-assert
enhancements. This is a current AVA issue, but it'll be fixed in the future.
npm install --save-dev redux-ava
Note: If you are using a dispatch inside the action (as with redux-thunk) you should set the test to be async.
Param | Type | Description |
actionCreator | function |
The action creator you want to test. |
data | any | The data your action creator function takes in. If it doesn't take any data, use null . |
type | object or array |
The type you expect your action creator to return. It you are using a dispatch inside the action (as with redux-thunk) should be an array with expected types. |
description | string |
Optional test description. |
Param | Type | Description |
reducer | function |
The reducer you want to test. |
stateBefore | object |
The state you expect before the reducer is ran. |
action | object |
The action you want to give to the reducer. This is different from actionTest in that you pass an action object, not an action creator function. You may use a call to your action creator function as an argument provided it returns an action object. See the examples below. |
stateAfter | object or array |
The state you expect after the reducer is ran. It you are using a dispatch inside the action (as with redux-thunk) should be an array with expected states. |
description | string |
Optional test description. |
This is an AVA port of tape-redux. For more documentation, check there.
Let's test an action creator:
import test from 'ava'
import {actionTest} from 'redux-ava'
import {openMenu, getUser, showArtist, loadUsers} from '../actions'
// Without parameter
test('openMenu action', actionTest(openMenu, {type: 'OPEN_MENU'}))
// With single parameter
test('getUser action', actionTest(getUser, 1, {type: 'GET_USER', id: 1}))
// With multiple parameters
test('showArtist action', actionTest(
showArtist, 'bob-dylan', 'Bob Dylan',
{type: 'SHOW_ARTIST', slug: 'bob-dylan', name: 'Bob Dylan'}
// With redux-thunk dispatch inside action
test('loadUsers', async t => {
[ // When using thunk you should specify types inside an array
{ type: 'IS_LOADING' },
{ type: 'SET_USERS', users: [...] },
{ type: 'IS_LOADED' }
And now a reducer:
import test from 'ava'
import {reducerTest} from 'redux-ava'
import app from '../reducers'
import {openMenu, getUser, loadUsers} from '../actions'
test('app reducer handles openMenu', reducerTest(
{menuOpen: false, user: null},
{menuOpen: true, user: null}
test('app reducer handles getUser', reducerTest(
{menuOpen: false, user: null},
{menuOpen: false, user: 1}
// With redux-thunk dispatch inside action
test('loadUsers', async t => {
[ // When using thunk you should specify all expected returned states
{ isLoading: true },
{ isLoading: true, users: [...] },
{ users: [...] }
MIT © Juan Soto