The goal of this repository is to have a shareable reference point for working with git, specifically using the gitflow branching model. Everything in this guide is heavily inspired and based on nvie's original blog post. As he correctly realised, the easiest way to teaching git is using a "big picture" figure:

Is this guide for you? Gitflow works well in mid-sized teams with multiple deployment environments. There are reasons for not using any dev branch at all (in flat organisations), but it requires continuous live deployment, which is not always possible (when working for a customer, rather than on a product).
Since there is already comprehensive documentation on Git basics available on the internet and this aims more to be a reference about gitflow, they won't be covered here. Instead, I assume that you are already somewhat familiar with git and refer you to other resources otherwise:
Please take your time and ask your peers in case something is unclear! Once you're somewhat comfortable with git and you're interested to understand better how git works itself, i can recommend this talk: Deep Dive into Git - Edward Thomson.
It's advisable to have a printed version of the PDF at hand and trying the commands on a testing repository.
Start here: Getting Started