IPython magic for Telegram notifications,
or get a push once a model is finally trained.
pip install telepot
(deprecated) %install_ext https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ermakovpetr/ipytelegram/master/ipytelegram.py
jupyter nbextension install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ermakovpetr/ipytelegram/master/ipytelegram.py
%load_ext ipytelegram
%telegram_setup <token> <your id>
Cell magic as follows:
%%telegram_send I am finally trained!
will send "I am finally trained!" to you on behalf of your bot once the cell is completed.
Talk to BotFather to create a bot and get a token.
The bot is not able to start a conversation with you, so talk to him first, then run:
import telepot
bot = telepot.Bot(<token>)
response = bot.getUpdates()
Look up response
for your ID.