An eCommerce app built with Node.js, Express, mongoDB, mongoose, Stripe, and AWS S3.
Hosted example:
- Uses bcryptjs for hashing and salting passwords, and connect-mongodb-session and express-session for managing user sessions. - Uses csurf to create CSRF tokens, and prevent for CSRF Attacks.
- Uses connect-flash for sending messages on redirect responses.
- Uses SendGrid, nodemailer, nodemailer-sendgrid-transport for sending emails.
- Uses express-validator for server-side validation
- Uses multer, multer-s3, and aws-sdk for handling file uploads
- Uses pdfkit for creating PDF invoices for orders
- Uses Stripe for payments
$ npm install
- Signup for a SendGrid account:
- Create an API Key (Settings -> API Keys -> Create API Key)
- Give the API Key a name and Full Access for permissions
- Copy the key, and add to .env, as described below
- Verify sender identity by going to Settings -> Sender Authentication -> Single Sender Verification -> Create a Sender
- Create a sender with an email address you have access to, and confirm
- Add the email address you used to .env, as described below
- Signup for a Stripe account:
- Go to Developers -> API Keys to get your test API Key
- Copy your public and private keys, and add to the .env file, as described below
Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242 Expiry: Any date in the future CVC: Any three numbers
- Create an S3 bucket that allows public files
- Add your AWS credentials, and bucket settings to the .env file, as described below
NOTE: The AWS SDK will automatically get your credentials from the environment variables, so it is unnecessary to configure them in the application.
Add the following bucket policy, so that the images are publicly accessible:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "PublicRead",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR_AWS_BUCKET_NAME/*"
Create a .env file in the main directory with the following environment variables:
$ npm start
Check out the sequelize-implementation branch for the main app implemented using MySQL and the sequelize package.