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What is this Project?

This is a project that I created in order to visualize population data for countries around the world. What this is meant to do is give people insight on the many relationships and trends that are present in the worlds growing population. This also displays the many ways that we can represent data.

Interactive Map

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To Try out this Map click this URL (Give Link Time To Load)

Note:** There is a chance it wont work due to Github related issues. If so, just follow the Run Instructions

How did I do it?

  • Initially to get the Data to graph I used Web Scraping with a Python library called BeautifulSoup. This allowed me to grab the useful information from the HTML text on the website to that I could then format the data.

  • I used a Python library called Pandas in order to turn the data that I collected into a Data Frame that would then be used to create the graphs.

  • I then proceeded to utilize Python libraries such as Matplotlib, Seaborn and plotly in order to represent, manipulate and style the information inside of the DataFrame.

Run Instructions

1. Clone Repository
2. Install Python
3. Install Jupyter Notebook
4. Open Anaconda Prompt On terminal
5. Navigate to Project Folder
6. Type jupyter notebook
7. Open World_Population_Visualization.ipynb