A recon tool for security purposes
Find the vulnerable modules inside webpacked files (bundles)
Install globally webpack and webpack-cli:
npm install --global webpack
npm install --global webpack-cli
Download the latest release of webunpack or git clone this repository.
Install dependencies:
npm install
To display the help:
node webunpack.js
To fetch the list of vulnerable npm modules:
node webunpack.js getvulns > vulnerablemodules.txt
To create a signatures database from vulnerable npm modules:
(warning: creation of database could take several days it is recommended to use precomputed database in dbs folder)
node webunpack.js createdb vulnerablemodules.txt ./dbs/signaturesdb.json
To update a signatures database from vulnerable npm modules:
node webunpack.js updatedb vulnerablemodules.txt ./dbs/signaturesdb.json
To filter signatures/remove duplicate signatures shared between modules:
cp ./dbs/signaturesdb.json ./dbs/signaturesdbfiltered.json
node webunpack.js filterdb ./dbs/signaturesdbfiltered.json
To retrieve vulnerable npm modules from a packed file:
node webunpack.js unpack ./dbs/signaturesdbfiltered.json ./tests/testhandlebarsvuln/dist/main.js
Update your package.json to use webunpack:
"name": "test",
"version": "0.0.1",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"webunpack.js": "^0.0.2"
Unpack a file with unpackFile method:
var webunpack = require("webunpack.js");
var results = webunpack.unpackFile("./tests/testhandlebarsvuln/dist/main.js", "./dbs/signaturesdbfiltered.json");
The output should be the list of vulnerable modules identified in the packed file:
[ { name: 'handlebars',
version: '4.3.2',
vulnerable: 'https://npmjs.com/advisories/1325' },
{ name: 'handlebars',
version: '4.4.1',
vulnerable: 'https://npmjs.com/advisories/1325' },
{ name: 'handlebars',
version: '4.2.2',
vulnerable: 'https://npmjs.com/advisories/1164' } ]
- webunpack.unpackFile(packedfile, signaturesdb, mostrelevantmodule = false);
- webunpack.unpackString(packedstring, signaturesdb, mostrelevantmodule = false);
the last parameter if set to true imply that only the most relevant vulnerable module will be displayed. - webunpack.fetchVulnerabilities();
- webunpack.createSignatures(vulnerablemodulesfile, signaturesdb);
- webunpack.updateSignatures(vulnerablemodulesfile, signaturesdb);
- webunpack.signaturesdbFilter(signaturesdb);
For the moment the only source of npm vulnerable modules is https://npmjs.com/advisories/
For each vulnerable version of a module, createSignatures() method will compute a hash of each function.
Then unpackFile() method will compute the hash of each of the function inside a packed file and compare it to the ones in a signatures database.