docker-compose up
The code above will create a container with php, composer and mysql. It will create database and download all dependencies. The container will run in port 8081
First, enter in container, check the container name with command:
docker ps
Enter in container, in my case the container name is vehiclebackend_site_1:
docker exec -it vehiclebackend_site_1 bash
Second, go to project folder:
cd /var/www/html
Third, run the code below to run all tests:
vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration /var/www/html/phpunit.xml
- PHP 7.4
- Composer
- PlugRoute v3.9
- PHPUnit 7.5.20
I built this structure based on the clean architecture standard.
- /src <- My Application, Domain and Infrastructure layer
- /Application <- My controllers, middlewares, bounderies, exceptions and presenters.
- /Domain <- My domain classes.
- /Infrastructure <- My database, repositories and validators.
- /dump <- Database structure.
- /tests <- My tests.
- /routes <- My routes.
- /public <- The place where all requests are redirected.
Reminder that this project run in port 8081.
To test api in admin mode, firstly access the route /api/generate-token to get token.
Put the token in header Authorization and then do a request.
POST /api/brands
"name": "Alfa Romeo"
"name": "Ford"
DELETE /api/brands/{id}
GET /api/brands/{id}
GET /api/brands <- This request must be done without Authorization header.
POST /api/models
"name": "AMAROK CS2.0 16V/S2.0 16V TDI 4x2 Diesel",
"brandId": 3
PUT /api/models/{id}
"name": "AMAROK CS2.0 16V/S2.0 16V TDI 4x2 Diesel",
"brandId": 3
DELETE /api/models/{id}
GET /api/models/{id}
GET /api/models/{brandId} <- This request must be done without Authorization header.
POST /api/vehicles
"value": 11532.00,
"brandId": 2,
"modelId": 2,
"yearModel": 2000,
"fuel": "Flex"
PUT /api/vehicles/{id}
"value": 11532.00,
"brandId": 2,
"modelId": 2,
"yearModel": 2000,
"fuel": "Flex"
DELETE /api/vehicles
GET /api/vehicles/{id}
GET /api/vehicles/{modelId} <- This request must be done without Authorization header.