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Visualisation of author collaborations

The collaborations package analyses the author collaborations in an EPrints repository and visualises them on an interactive wheel. The author collaboration network graphs are processed with a script and saved as XML files. The graphs are visualised using ProcessingJS. The network visualisation can be classified as radial convergence according to the typology used by Manuel Lima (Visual Complexity, Mapping Patterns of Information, Princeton, NY, 2011, ISBN 978-1-56898-936-5).

The package consists of

  • a script and plugin to generate the graph files
  • a cgi script and screen plugin for the visualisation
  • the ProcessingJS program (including the Processing source files) to visualise the collaboration XML graph files
  • some JavaScript helper code
  • phrase files in English and German

For a demo, see e.g.


JQuery is required for scaling the visualisation canvas.

General setup

The setup procedure consists of the following steps

  • Installation of the required files
  • Configuration of the file
  • Configuration of the look of the visualisation
  • Initial generation of coauthor data
  • Linking the coauthor_data directory
  • Initial test
  • Full generation of coauthor data
  • Running updates


Copy the content of the bin and cfg directories to the respective {eprints_root}/archives/{yourarchive}/bin and {eprints_root}/archives/{yourarchive}/cfg directories.

Copy the content of the cgi directory to the {eprints_root}/cgi directory.


Edit the file

In your cfg.d/ file, you need to adapt the

$c->{collaboration_fields} = [

part to the field names that are used in your repository.

Edit your file

In your cfg.d/ file, find the configuration that is used to for generation and display of the Browse Authors view.

Add a render_menu => "render_view_menu_authors", line to the menus configuration of the respective view.

E.g. for the view "authorsnew":

                id => "authorsnew",
                allow_null => 1,
                menus => [
                          fields => [ "creators_abbrv", "editors_abbrv" ],
                          mode => "sections",
                          grouping_function => "EPrints::Update::Views::group_by_first_character",
                          group_sorting_function => "EPrints::Update::Views::default_sort",
                          group_range_function => "EPrints::Update::Views::cluster_ranges_40",
                          open_first_section => 1,
                          new_column_at => [ 0 ],
                          render_menu => "render_view_menu_authors",
                order => "-date/title",
                variations => [ "date;truncate=4,reverse",
                # cache menu pages for 4 days
                max_menu_age => 4*24*60*60,
                max_items => 1000,

Edit the look of your visualisation

You can configure the look of your visualisation (color, fonts, line widths) in archives/{archive}/cfg/static/coauthors/configuration.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <font name="Verdana" size="11"/>
    <font name="Verdana" size="9" color="FFC0C0C0"/>

Some explanations:

The <items_url> element contains the callback URL fragment for an advanced search of the author's eprints of when a user clicks on the number of items link in a graph. This URL must be adapted to the author name field you are using in your repository: Replace creators_name%2Feditors_name with the corresponding contributor field name(s).

The node size (more precisely, the area of the node) is proportional to the number of items an author has published. The <anchor_diameter> element defines a minimum diameter in pixels for authors with only 1 publication.

The <anchor_name_distance> element defines the distance between the author label and the node.

The <acceleration> and <velocity> elements configure the speed of the wheel rotation in degrees per rotation step. You may experiment with these values.

All color values are 4-Byte hexadecimal values in the order ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue channel). A value of FF for the alpha channel means that the color is opaque, smaller values increase transparency.

The <curvature> element sets the curvature of the Bezier curves that connect the nodes in pixels. This value is relative to an initial graph size of 800 px x 800 px - the ConWheel Processing code calculates from this a relative curvature that is used when the graph is resized in a responsive GUI.

The detailed format (including XML Schemas) is described in conwheel_io.pde

Restart the web server

After you have edited the configuration files, restart the web server.

Initial generation of coauthor data

To initialize and test your setup, create coauthor graphs for one (1) eprint:

sudo -u apache {eprints_root}/archives/{repo}/bin/generate_collaborations {repo} 1 --save 

The generate_collaborations script does the following:

  • It creates the directory {eprints_root}/archives/{archive}/html/coauthor_data
  • It saves all unique author names in the file author_list.xml. You can inspect this file for later reference and to obtain an indication of the author count in your repository
  • For eprint 1 and its authors, it creates all the collaboration graph files.

(as a side note: the format of the collaboration graph files is described in )

Linking the coauthor_data directory

The coauthor_data directory must be linked to all your language-specific HTML collaboration directories so that the data can be accessed by the Processing code. Do the following:

cd {eprints_root}/archives/{repo}/html/{language}/collaborations/
ln -s {eprints_root}/archives/{repo}/html/coautor_data data

Repeat these commands for every language, e.g. en, de, and so on.

Initial test

Inspect the archives/{archive}/html/coauthor_data directory and choose one of the author names saved there.

Create a URL http://your_repository_domain/cgi/collaborations/view?author={author_name} Use %20 to encode a white space. As an example:

If the graph is displayed, you are nearly set. Click twice on another author in the graph to rotate it into its base position. Click on the node link left to name to check whether the graph of the chosen author is loaded as well. Click on the items count left to the name to check whether the advanced search of the publications does work (see Edit the look of your visualisation).

Generating the author collaborations: The generate_collaborations script

Now a full run to generate the author collaborations must be carried out:

sudo -u apache {eprints_root}/archives/{repo}/bin/generate_collaborations {repo}

Depending on the number of eprints and author names, this may take a long time. Assume a computation time of about 12 hours for about 100'000 authors. Be also prepared that your file system has reserved enough space for the graph files. The required space grows about quadratically with author count due to the edges connecting the authors. About 4 GB are required for 100'000 authors.

sudo -u apache {eprints_root}/archives/{repo}/bin/generate_collaborations --help lists all options.

Generating the author view

Recreate the author browse view using

sudo -u apache {eprints_root}/bin/generate_views {repo} --view {authorview} --generate menus

Anyway, we assume that you have a cron job that carries out this command regularly.

The author views should contain beside each author name a "Coauthors" link that links to the respective collaboration graph.

Running updates

There are two options in for running updates with the generate_collaborations script:

--update: Generates collaboration graph files for a daily segment of eprints, so that within one month all eprints are processed once, including the newly added eprints. --new: Generates collaboration graph files only for eprints that were added to the live archive yesterday.

For a small repository with a few 1000 eprints, we recommend to use the --update option. This keeps the whole collaboration graph (i.e. the graph of all combined author collaborations) up-to-date.

For a large repository with several 10000 eprints, we recommend to use --new in a nightly cronjob, which reduces processing time to about 10-15 minutes, and to carry out a a complete run every 6-12 months.

--new has the following effect:

  • For new authors, a collaboration graph file will be created. The item counts of all the authors in these graph files are correct.
  • For existing authors that are found in the new eprints, the collaboration graph file will be updated. The item counts of all the authors in these graph files are correct.
  • In the graph files of the coauthors of the set of existing authors above, the item counts of the existing authors in the set before are not updated, since that would include a traversal across the whole collaboration graph. Hence, the item counts are only a lower approximation of the correct item counts (usually differing by 1). In other words: Only a next-neighbor search will carried out in the collaboration graphs of the authors in the new eprints.

Editing the Processing code (for developers)

The ConWheel.pde file being used in the EPrints repo can be found in cfg/static/coauthors and can be used as is.

If you need or want to modify the visualisation itself, the individual functional modules of the Processing code are available in Processing/ConWheel. From these, you can create the combined ConWheel.pde with the help of the Processing Development Environment (aka "Processing").

Processing can be obtained from

After you have installed Processing, the JavaScript mode must be installed as well. Start Processing, and create a new sketch. In the top right corner of the Processing window, there is a dropdown menu called "Java". Choose "Add mode ...", and select "JavaScript Mode" from the list, then choose "Install".

Copy the folder "ConWheel" to your sketchbook location (see Processing Preferences, where you can configure the sketchbook location).

Switch to JavaScript mode and edit the modules.

To create ConWheel.pde, use menu File > Export. A directory web-export is created in the ConWheel folder that contains ConWheel.pde and all other necessary files. The visualisation can be tested by loading index.html in a Web browser.


Visualisation of author collaborations







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