ElastiCache Redis deployment being accessed by an application running on ECS Fargate:
Create the .auto.tfvars
variables file:
cp aws/config/local.auto.tfvars aws/.auto.tfvars
Apply the resources:
terraform -chdir="aws" init
terraform -chdir="aws" apply -auto-approve
After the deployment, test the enqueue mechanism. Check CW Logs for the results:
curl -X POST http://lb-supercache-0000000000.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com/enqueue
The Redis instance is configured with encryption in transit and password authentication.
In order to test the application locally, run a Redis container:
docker run -d --name redis-local -p 6379:6379 redis
In the application directory, create the .env
file for local development:
cp template.env .env
Run the application:
npm install
npm run dev
Send a test message to the Redis queue:
curl -X POST localhost:3000/enqueue
To test the private key from Secrets Manager:
curl localhost:3000/privatekey
To build the image locally:
docker build -t nodejs-app-local .
docker run
In order to test this, SSM into the EC2 instance.
aws ssm start-session --target "<instance-id>"
Although the EC2 instance has been given permissions for simplicity in this example, you should use restricted permissions, preferably via SSO:
In the EC2 instance, you might have to use the legacy mode
aws configure sso
Check the identity:
aws sts get-caller-identity
aws configure list-profiles
Perform this operation as the root:
sudo su -
Check your access to the private key passphrase secret:
aws secretsmanager describe-secret --secret-id "demo/private-key-password/xxxxx"
Define a secure passphrase:
touch passphrase.txt
chmod 600 passphrase.txt
pwgen -N 1 --secure 15 >> passphrase.txt
Set the secret value with a secure passphrase:
aws secretsmanager put-secret-value \
--secret-id "demo/private-key-password/xxxxx" \
--secret-string file://passphrase.txt
Shred and delete the file:
shred -zv passphrase.txt
rm -rf passphrase.txt
Generate an RSA key pair:
# genrsa is deprecated and has been replaced by genpkey https://docs.openssl.org/master/man1/openssl-genpkey/
openssl genpkey -aes-256-cbc -algorithm RSA -out private-key.pem -pass file:passphrase.txt -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096
openssl rsa -in private-key.pem -pubout -passin file:passphrase.txt -out public-key.pem
Test the private key with the passphrase:
openssl rsa -noout -in private-key.pem
To get the secret value from Secrets Manager for testing:
aws secretsmanager get-secret-value \
--secret-id "demo/private-key/xxxxx" --query SecretString --output text
Some services may prefer to use DER format encoding:
openssl rsa -inform PEM -in private-key.pem -outform DER -out private-key.der
openssl rsa -pubin -inform PEM -in public-key.pem -outform DER -out public-key.der
Check the read access to the secret:
aws secretsmanager describe-secret --secret-id "demo/private-key/xxxxx"
Set the secret value with the private key material:
aws secretsmanager put-secret-value \
--secret-id "demo/private-key/xxxxx" \
--secret-string file://private-key.pem
Finally, don't forget to sign out of the SSO session and then destroy the resources:
aws sso logout