A pluggable IdP mapper for eduPersonTargetedID in keycloak. To be used in eosc installations.
Use version 1.1.0 for Keycloak version 22 and 1.0.1 for Keycloak version 18
- Compile the plugin jar i.e. 'mvn clean install' or just get a built one from the "Releases" link on the right sidebar.
- Drop the jar into the folder $KEYCLOAK_BASE/standalone/deployments/ and let all the hot-deploy magic commence.
If the installation is successful, you will be able to use the SAML IdentityProvider mapper EduPersonTargetedID Mapper. Configuration options are same as in SAML Attribute Importer Mapper. Default values:
- urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri for Name Format
- eduPersonTargetedID for Friendly Name Format
- eduPersonTargetedID for User Attribute Name