libpurple's go/golang binding. Now can write pidgin plugin with go/golang.
The go-purple wrapper libpurple API in go/golang. And supplies an OO style API.
Now implement most API function for write new IM protocol and simple client.
go get -u
import ""
- purple the main binding project
- purpled might be a purple daemon with a web ui interface
- tox-prpl tox protocol implement with go-purple
- wechat-prpl wechat prpl plugin
- wechat-prpl/wechat wechat web protocol implement
- yobot an IM robot that relay messages between different protocols, and build on raw protocol.
- yobot2 an IM robot that relay messages between different protocols, and build on go-purple.
- msgflt-prpl pidign message filter/transform plugin.
- gloox-swig gloox xmpp client library for golang binding.
- using dbus path different as default pidgin
- using profile directory different as default profile
- full libpurple support
- improve memory management, avoid memory leaks.
- add documents.
- tox-prpl auto receive avatar .