Message-Mate is a library for building messaging architectures.
It provides components to integrate parts of your business logic in a loosely coupled fashion. This allows for applications to be highly extensible and easily tested.
Messaging is a form of communication, that exchanges encapsulated messages between parts of an application or different applications. In contrast to other types of integration it models both the carrier and the send messages as distinct concepts of the application. This can provide several benefits if used correctly. But it can also generate overhead and complexity. This library focuses on a lightweight implementation of messaging patterns to be wire use cases and objects within one application. For integrating different applications (over network, shared memory, ...) other libraries exist.
This library provides implementations for typical forms of message carriers like Channels or MesssageBus. Explicitly modelling these transport mechanisms as distinct objects have an beneficiary influence on the coupling of independent parts of the application. When parts of the application want to communicate with each other, they send messages. The sender puts its message on the MessageBus. The MessageBus then ensures, that the message is delivered to all subscribers. The sender does not need to know the number or type of the subscribers. The subscribers have no knowledge about the sender. This leads to a very loosely coupled integration. As sender and subscriber can be added or removed dynamically during runtime, the application becomes very flexible.
Both, MessageBus and Channel, can be configured to provide asynchronous aspects using Threads. This simplifies code using these objects, as a lot of asynchronous and synchronization problems are already solved. Dynamically scaling out Threads only required to change the configuration Channels and MessageBus. The rest of the application can remain mostly agnostic to it.
These messaging patterns ease the integration of Frameworks with the application's use cases. But also the communication between use cases is greatly simplified with a MessageBus. Even at the scope of Domain Objects messaging patterns can provide loosely coupling and dynamism.
To use Message-Mate add the following Maven depedency to your 'pom.xml`:
A common task in message driven architectures is sending messages from a bunch of producers to an arbitrary amount of consumers, handling errors and allowing to add Filters dynamically. In MessageMate Channels provide these kind of properties:
- add or remove sender and receiver dynamically
- define the type of send messages, when sender and receiver have agreed on the format of the send messages
- change the messages during the transportation via Filter: changing the contents of the message, blocking invalid messages,...
- abstract configuration: once the Channel is created, the participants should be agnostic about the used configuration, e.g. whether the Channel is asynchronous
- dynamic extension points: add Filter, add logging or even replace the subscriber during tests
- monitoring: get information about the number of messages that got delivered successful, blocked or failed with exceptions
Channels can be created using the ChannelBuilder
Channel<TestMessage> channel = ChannelBuilder.aChannel(TestMessage.class)
.withDefaultAction(Consume.consumeMessage(m -> {
channel.send(new TestMessage());
Channels can be of type SYNCHRONOUS
(which is the default) or of type ASYNCHRONOUS
Synchronous Channels will execute the delivery on the Thread calling send
. Asynchronous
Channels bring their own Threadpool with them. For more details on how to create and configure
asynchronous Channels see Configuring the Channel
At the end of a Channel an Action is executed for each message. Actions abstract
the consumer part of the messaging. The simplest Action is the Consume
which executes the given logic for each message that reached the end of the Channel.
Other Actions allow dynamic subscriptions or jumps to other Channels.
Each message reaching the end of the Channel will be consumed by an Action. This can be the default Action defined during creation time or a dynamically changed by Filter (explained below). Several default Actions exist:
A Consume
Action calls the given Consumer function for every message that reached
the end of the Channel:
Action<T> action = Consume.consumeMessage(processingContext -> {
T payload = processingContext.getPayload();
A shortcut exists, if only the payload is needed:
Action<T> action = Consume.consumePayload(payload -> {
The Subscription
Action extends the Consume
Action with the ability of having
several consumers, called Subscriber. The Subscription
Action allows adding and
removing Subscriber dynamically:
Subscription<Object> subscription = Subscription.subscription();
Consumer<Object> consumer = message -> System.out.println(message);
SubscriptionId subscriptionId = subscription.addSubscriber(consumer);
Subscriber<Object> subscriber = ConsumerSubscriber.consumerSubscriber(consumer);
SubscriptionId subscriptionId = subscription.addSubscriber(subscriber);
boolean notEmpty = subsription.hasSubscribers();
The addSubscriber
method is overloaded to accept either a java Consumer or
a Subscriber
object. Classes implementing this interface get more control
over the management of the SubscriptionId or the acceptance of messages, e.g.
they can preempt the delivery, so that other subscriber do receive the message.
See Subscriber for more details. The addSubscriber
methods returns a SubscriptionId
which is an unique UUID generated for each Subscriber
. It can be used to uniquely
identify a Subscriber. The removeSubscriber
method makes use of this to remove
In more complex messaging architectures larger processing logics are often split
into smaller, logical pieces by chaining Channels. Each Channel is then responsible
for a smaller part in this flow. These Channels can be connected via Jump
Actions. A Jump
Action takes a message and sends it on the next Channel:
Channel<T> nextChannel = ...;
Jump<T> jump = Jump.jumpTo(nextChannel);
The reason to use Jumps
and not a Consume
calling send
on the next Channel is
the control structure used in Channels. Messages send over Channels are
enveloped in ProcessingContext
objects. These context objects contain history information
over past Channels useful for debugging.
The Jump
Action handles these context information during the change of Channels
(For more information about the ProcessingContext
object see Processing Context).
Channels provide an extensible mechanism for processing messages: Filter. A send message traverses all Filter before being consumed by the final Action. Each Filter has two options: It can allow the message to pass or it can block the message. A blocked message will stop its propagation through the remaining Filter and will never reach the final Action:
channel.addProcessFilter((processingContext, filterActions) -> {
TestMessage message = processingContext.getPayload();
if (isValid()) {
message.validated = true;
} else {
Calling filterActions.pass
will propagate the message to the next Filter.
will stop the propagation. If none of these methods are called,
the message is also blocked. But not calling the block
method should be avoided as
Filter should be written as explicit as possible (Also the message is marked as
and not as blocked
in the ChannelStatistics
As mentioned earlier, each message is always enveloped in a ProcessingContext
control structure.
To get access to the original message use getPayload
. But the pass
methods again expect the ProcessingContext
object. Filter can freely access the
object. The most common usage would be to replace the Action, that
is executed at the Channel's end:
channel.addPostFilter((processingContext, filterActions) -> {
if(!processingContext.actionWasChanged()) {
processingContext.changeAction(Consume.consumeMessage(m -> {}));
Filter can be added at three different stages: Pre, Process, Post. These three different extension points serve as coarse-grained ordering. All Filter in the Pre Stage are always executed before the Filter in the Process stage, which themselves execute before the Post Filter. Within these stages the order of Filter follows the contract of java's concurrent list.
For each of three stages methods exists to query registered Filter and to remove Filter:
List<Filter<ProcessingContext<T>>> preFilter = channel.getPreFilter();
List<Filter<ProcessingContext<T>>> processFilter = channel.getProcessFilter();
List<Filter<ProcessingContext<T>>> postFilter = channel.getPostFilter();
A special Action that can only be used inside a Filter is the Call
Action. It is used
to perform an immediate jump to a different Channel. The transport of the message is
resumed the moment the other Channel executes a Return
as it's final Action. This Call
combination allows Filter to add arbitrarily complex logic dynamically to a Channel.
Channel<TestMessage> differentChannel = ChannelBuilder.aChannel(TestMessage.class)
channel.addPostFilter((processingContext, filterActions) -> {
Call.callTo(differentChannel, processingContext);
System.out.println("Returned from other Channel.");
can be nested arbitrarily and don't need to return. But executing a Return
a previous Call
will result in an error.
The factory method Call.callTo
executes the Call
directly. If access to the Call
object is needed, a two step alternative exists:
channel.addPostFilter((processingContext, filterActions) -> {
final Call<TestMessage> call = Call.prepareACall(differentChannel);
Once a Call
and its matching Return
object was executed, both objects are linked to each other:
//suppose these are the two related actions
Return<Object> returnAction = Return.aReturn();
Call<Object> callAction = Call.prepareACall(otherChannel);
ChannelProcessingFrame<Object> returnFrame = callAction.getReturnFrame();
assertThat(returnFrame.getAction(), equalTo(returnAction));
ChannelProcessingFrame<Object> callFrame = returnAction.getRelatedCallFrame();
assertThat(callFrame.getAction(), equalTo(callAction));
Channel<Object> callActionTargetChannel = callAction.getTargetChannel();
Each Channel provides basic logging in form of statistics itself: It logs the number of messages, that were
- accepted: message was received by Channel and transport was started. A message is always accepted or an exception is thrown
- queued: asynchronous Channel can queue messages, if no Threads are available. This statistic resembles the number of currently waiting messages
- blocked: number of messages that were blocked by Filter
- forgotten: number of messages that were neither passed nor blocked by Filter
- successful: number of messages that passed all Filter and executed the final Action without error
- failed: if an exception is thrown during a Filter or the final Action, the message is marked as failed
ChannelStatusInformation statusInformation = channel.getStatusInformation();
ChannelStatistics statistics = statusInformation.getChannelStatistics();
BigInteger acceptedMessages = statistics.getAcceptedMessages();
BigInteger queuedMessages = statistics.getQueuedMessages();
BigInteger blockedMessages = statistics.getBlockedMessages();
BigInteger forgottenMessages = statistics.getForgottenMessages();
BigInteger successfulMessages = statistics.getSuccessfulMessages();
BigInteger failedMessages = statistics.getFailedMessages();
Date timestamp = statistics.getTimestamp();
Each statistic contains a timestamp indicating the date, when the given numbers were approximately valid.
Each Channel can be closed to free resources in case the Channel was stateful (Asynchronous Channels are stateful). The following methods exists:
boolean finishRemainingTasks = true;
boolean closed = channel.isClosed();
try {
boolean terminationSucceeded = channel.awaitTermination(5, MILLISECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
These methods follow the contract, that classes from the standard java library with
these sort of methods abide to. Channel (as all closable Classes in MessageMate)
also implement the AutoClosable
interface and can be used in a try-with-resources statement.
Configuring a Channel is done using the respective ChannelBuilder
class' methods.
The available Actions were discussed in Actions
There exists two types of Channels: ChannelType.SYNCHRONOUS
and ChannelType.ASYNCHRONOUS
. Sending on synchronous
Channels is executed on the Thread calling send
. Asynchronous Channels provide their
own Threads using a Threadpool. Asynchronous Channels require an additional
There exists two convenience methods to ease the creation of a fitting asynchronous configuration:
int numberOfThreads = 5;
int maximumBoundOfQueuedMessages = 100;
AsynchronousConfiguration.constantPoolSizeAsynchronousPipeConfiguration(numberOfThreads, maximumBoundOfQueuedMessages);
In case a more fine-tuned configuration is needed, two constructor and getter are provided:
AsynchronousConfiguration configuration = new AsynchronousConfiguration();
int corePoolSize = 5;
int maximumPoolSize = 10;
int maximumTimeout = 15;
TimeUnit timeUnit = MILLISECONDS;
LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable> threadPoolWorkingQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
new AsynchronousConfiguration(corePoolSize, maximumPoolSize, maximumTimeout, timeUnit, threadPoolWorkingQueue);
These configuration properties are identically to those available for the java ThreadPoolExecutor class, as the asynchronous Channel uses such underneath. For a comprehensive documentation please consult the java doc of the ThreadPoolExecutor class.
The default exception behaviour is to throw each exception on the Thread it occurs on. This might not be sufficient for a multi-threaded configuration. Therefore a custom exception handler can be set, that gets access to all internal exceptions.
ChannelExceptionHandler<T> channelExceptionHandler = new ChannelExceptionHandler<T>() {
public boolean shouldSubscriberErrorBeHandledAndDeliveryAborted(ProcessingContext<T> message, Exception e) {
boolean abortDeliveryAndHandleError = true;
return abortDeliveryAndHandleError;
public void handleSubscriberException(ProcessingContext<T> message, Exception e) {
public void handleFilterException(ProcessingContext<T> message, Exception e) {
When an exception occurs during the accept
method of a subscriber, first the
method is called. This method
can decide whether the exception should count as such and the delivery should be aborted.
A true
results in the message being marked as failed in the statistics.
No further subscriber gets the message delivered and the
method is called in the end. Given a false
exception is ignored and the delivery continues normally.
In case of a Filter throwing an exception, the handleFilterException
method is called.
An exception inside a Filter always counts as failed and aborts the propagation to
subsequent Filter or any final Action.
Actions serve only as representative container for the information necessary to
execute them. Any logic regarding their execution is handled by the ActionHandlers
This allows exchanging logic without changing Actions and makes debuging easier. The
contains one handler for each Action.
When a message reaches the end of a Channel, the ActionHandlerSet
serves as a
lookup object for an ActionHandler
matching the Channel's final Action. When a suitable
handler is found, its handle
method is called. When no handler is registered an exception is thrown.
ActionHandlerSet<Object> defaultActionHandlerSet = DefaultActionHandlerSet.defaultActionHandlerSet();
defaultActionHandlerSet.registerActionHandler(CustomAction.class, new CustomActionHandler());
A more in depth explanation about writing custom Actions and ActionHandlerSets
is given in Custom Actions.
Channels can be chained into arbitrary complex structures. The Channels are connected
via Actions (and Calls inside Filter). Filters within these Channels might share data or
the history might be of interest for debugging purpose. Since these type of information
should not be stored inside the payload itself, a wrapping context object is needed,
the ProcessingContext
Each message contains its own ProcessingContext
object. It wraps the message's payload
and optional error payload. Each ProcessingContext
a new unique MessageId
for each message. Additionally, an optional CorrelationId
be set or derived from the MessageId
. CorrelationIds
are used heavily in combination
with a MessageBus
to link related messages to each other. Also more used in the context
of a MessageBus
is the ProcessingContext's
. The MessageBus
later uses these EventTypes
to decide, to which subscribers the current message should
be routed. Each ProcessingContext
also brings a meta data map from type
Map<Object, Object>
to store additional data about the message, which does not belong
in the payload.
T payload = processingContext.getPayload();
Object errorPayload = processingContext.getErrorPayload();
EventType eventType = processingContext.getEventType();
Map<Object, Object> metaData = processingContext.getContextMetaData();
MessageId messageId = processingContext.getMessageId();
CorrelationId correlationId = processingContext.getCorrelationId();
CorrelationId correlationIdForMessage = processingContext.generateCorrelationIdForAnswer();
The history of Channels is represented as a linked list of ChannelProcessingFrames
This list includes a frame for each traversed Channel. Each frame contains a reference
to its previous and next frame and to its respective Channel. When a Channel is traversed
to its end, the actual final Action is also stored in the frame.
The ProcessingContext
object serves as root object referencing the first, initial frame
and the frame of the currently traversed Channel.
ChannelProcessingFrame<T> initialProcessingFrame = processingContext.getInitialProcessingFrame();
Channel<T> channel = initialProcessingFrame.getChannel();
ChannelProcessingFrame<T> previousFrame = initialProcessingFrame.getPreviousFrame();
ChannelProcessingFrame<T> nextFrame = initialProcessingFrame.getNextFrame();
Action<T> executedAction = initialProcessingFrame.getAction();
Calls are also included in the linked ChannelProcessingFrames
list, although stored
a little bit differently. Let's suppose we have 4 Channels:
- Channel A contains a Filter executing a Call to Channel B. The default Action of Channel A is a Jump to Channel D
- Channel B is the target of the Call within Channel A. As default Action a Jump to Channel C is executed.
- Channel C just executes a Return as Action returning the control to Channel A
- Channel D is the last Channel with Consume as Action.
The linked list of ChannelProcessingFrames
would consist of the following 5 entries:
- a frame for Channel A with a Action
as soon as the Call is executed - a frame for Channel B with the default Action
to Channel C - a frame for Channel C with the Action
back to Channel A - a frame for Channel A with the default Action
to Channel D - a frame for Channel D with
as final Action
So in general one frame is added per Channel, except for a Call. In this case an extra
is added to indicate the branching of the flow.
Additionally the ProcessingContext
object provides a MetaDataMap for sharing data between Channels
or Filter.
ProcessingContext<Object> processingContext = ProcessingContext.processingContext(message);
Map<Object, Object> metaData = processingContext.getContextMetaData();
Channels are restricted to a specific type. This can be a benefit as the format of the communication between producer and consumer is defined by the Channel itself. But this solution comes short when several formats or communications are to be supported by the same transport object.
The solution is a MessageBus. Any type of message can be send over a MessageBus. Subscribers are then able to pick the type of messages they are interested in via type-based subscription. This makes integrating distinct parts of an application possible.
A MessageBus is structured as follows:
Every message is accepted by the AcceptingChannel. The AcceptingChannel is responsible
for the configuration (synchronous or asynchronous) and can also contain Filter that
need access to all messages.
Messages, that passed the AcceptingChannel, are distributed into subscriber-specific
Channels. Every EventType
, which has at least on subscriber, corresponds to a Channel,
that delivers all message of its type to its subscribers. On this Channel Filter
can be added, that are specific for all messages of this EventType
MessageBus messageBus = MessageBusBuilder.aMessageBus()
final EventType eventType = eventTypeFromString("requestX");
SubscriptionId subscriptionId = messageBus.subscribe(eventType, o -> {
messageBus.send(eventType, new TestMessage());
The MessageBusBuilder
is used to configure and create a MessageBus.
The subscribe
method is again overloaded to either aaccept a Subscriber or a java
consumer. The first parameter defines the EventType
of the subscription.
All messages of this type are delivered to all subscribers for this type.
The returned subscriptionId is used in case the subscriber should should be
removed to not received any more messages.
As discussed in ProcesscingContext earlier, messages can
contain a CorrelationId
to express, that a set of messages are related. The
typical use case is sending a response/answer to a previous request. The
allows sending and subscribing messages based on CorrelationIds
CorrelationId correlationId = CorrelationId.newUniqueCorrelationId();
messageBus.subscribe(correlationId, processingContext -> {
Object payload = processingContext.getPayload();
EventType eventType = EventType.eventTypeFromString("answerForX");
messageBus.send(eventType, new TestMessage(), correlationId);
The CorrelationId
based subscriber gets access to the complete ProcessingContext
object, as it holds the MessageId
and the CorrelationId
. For the EventType
based subscribe
function, a subscribeRaw
version exists, in case the normal
subscriber needs access to the ProcessingContext
messageBus.subscribeRaw(eventType, processingContext -> {
Object payload = processingContext.getPayload();
The MessageBus can add Filters, that get access to all messages:
final Filter<Object> filter = new Filter<Object>() {
public void apply(Object message, FilterActions<Object> filterActions) {
//filter logic
List<Filter<Object>> allFilter = messageBus.getFilter();
In case a more fine-grained filtering is needed, the MessageBus allows to query for the specific Channel for a given tyoe. On this Channel Filter can be added as already described in Filter
MessageBusStatusInformation statusInformation = messageBus.getStatusInformation();
Channel<TestMessage> channel = statusInformation.getChannelFor(eventType);
In case the underlying ProcessingContext
object is needed, an addRaw
is provided:
messageBus.addRaw(new Filter<ProcessingContext<Object>>() {
public void apply(ProcessingContext<Object> processingContext,
FilterActions<ProcessingContext<Object>> filterActions) {
Similar to the Channel the MessageBus collects statistics about all messages:
MessageBusStatusInformation statusInformation = messageBus.getStatusInformation();
MessageBusStatistics statistics = statusInformation.getCurrentMessageStatistics();
BigInteger acceptedMessages = statistics.getAcceptedMessages();
BigInteger queuedMessages = statistics.getQueuedMessages();
BigInteger blockedMessages = statistics.getBlockedMessages();
BigInteger forgottenMessages = statistics.getForgottenMessages();
BigInteger successfulMessages = statistics.getSuccessfulMessages();
BigInteger failedMessages = statistics.getFailedMessages();
Date timestamp = statistics.getTimestamp();
It's important to note, that these statistics count only for the accepting channel.
Once, the message is given to the type specific channel and the CorrelationId
based subscribers, the result is no longer contained in the above statistics.
For instance, when a message has been successfully traversed the accepting channel
and was delivered to the type specific channel, it is marked als successful. Errors
in the type specific channel or the correlation based subscriber are not included.
The type specific statistic are collected as usual by the channel itself.
the MessageBusStatusInformation
interface provides useful debug information.
It allows to query the currently registered subscriber and error listener.
MessageBusStatusInformation statusInformation = messageBus.getStatusInformation();
List<Subscriber<?>> allSubscribers = statusInformation.getAllSubscribers();
Map<Class<?>, List<Subscriber<?>>> subscribersPerType = statusInformation.getSubscribersPerType();
List<MessageBusExceptionListener<?>> exListener = statusInformation.getAllExceptionListener();
The methods to close the MessageBus are similar to those described for Channels in Closing the Channel:
boolean finishRemainingTasks = true;
boolean closed = messageBus.isClosed();
try {
boolean awaitSucceeded = messageBus.awaitTermination(5, SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
All configuration is done using the MessageBusBuilder
class. All configurable properties have default values. This creates
a synchronous MessageBus. The default MessageBusExceptionHandler
throws all exceptions on the calling Thread. Whenever a
class specific Channel has to be created, a synchronous one is created by the default MessageBusChannelFactory.
.withExceptionHandler(new MessageBusExceptionHandler() {
public boolean shouldDeliveryChannelErrorBeHandledAndDeliveryAborted(ProcessingContext<?> message, Exception e, Channel<?> channel) {
final boolean abortDeliveryAndHandleException = false;
return abortDeliveryAndHandleException;
public void handleDeliveryChannelException(ProcessingContext<?> message, Exception e, Channel<?> channel) {
public void handleFilterException(ProcessingContext<?> message, Exception e, Channel<?> channel) {
.withAChannelFactory(new MessageBusChannelFactory() {
public <T> Channel<?> createChannel(Class<T> tClass, Subscriber<T> subscriber, MessageBusExceptionHandler messageBusExceptionHandler) {
ChannelExceptionHandler<T> channelExceptionHandler = delegatingExceptionHandlerTo(messageBusExceptionHandler);
return ChannelBuilder.aChannel()
The type and the AsynchronousConfiguration
are similar to those used for Channels
described in Configuring the Channel.
The default MessageBusExceptionHandler throws all exceptions. It can be replaced using
method. When an exception is thrown in one of the subscriber
the shouldDeliveryChannelErrorBeHandledAndDeliveryAborted
is called to decide,
whether the exception should be handled and the delivery is aborted or whether the
exception should be ignored. In case the exception should be handled, the message
is marked as failed in the statistics and the handleDeliveryChannelException
method is called. When an exception is raised in any Filter (general or class
specific Channel), the delivery is aborted, the message is marked as failed and
the control is given to handleFilterException
. After each of the handle_Exception
methods all suitable exception listener are called.
The MessageBusChannelFactory
is used to create the class-specific Channel, that delivers the
messages to the Subscribers for this class. The default implementation creates a synchronous Channel,
that redirect errors to the MessageBusErrorHandler
. But in case more control over the
configuration of these Channels is needed, a custom implementation can be given here. The
creation of a new happen Channel can be requested in two cases: First a subscriber is added
for a not yet known class. Second, an unknown message was sent. Then for the class of the message
and all newly discovered parent classes, a new Channel is created. * discovered parent classes, a new {@code Channel} is created.
Care has to be taken to handle or redirect the errors correctly. Also important to note is,
that the close
call to the MessageBus will not be propagated to the MessageBusChannelFactory
If a custom MessageBusChannelFactory
contains state that requires a teardown, the
synchronisation with the close
call has to be enforced manually.
Once the MessageBus is created, the given MessageBusExceptionHandler
can not be changed.
But since subscribers are added or removed to or from a MessageBus in a highly dynamical
way, a static exception handler becomes a problem. Therefore the MessageBus provides a
way to register exception listener for specific EventType
or CorrelationId
on the fly.
These listener will always be called after the MessageBusExceptionHandler
received the
messageBus.onException(correlationId, new MessageBusExceptionListener<Object>() {
public void accept(ProcessingContext<Object> processingContext, Exception e) {
SubscriptionId subscriptionId = messageBus.onException(eventType, new MessageBusExceptionListener<Object>() {
public void accept(ProcessingContext<Object> processingContext, Exception e) {
A MessageBus allows for a loosely coupled form of communication, where Sender and Subscriber do not need to know from each other. They don't even know the number of the others as members of both sides can join or leave dynamically. Configuring the MessageBus in an asynchronous way allows for independently integrated parts of the application.
The integration points between the different use cases and Frameworks are a fitting example
for the beneficiary use of an asynchronous MessageBus. But aspects like loose coupling
and dynamic extensibility are of great benefit even in more coupled parts of the
application, like within a use cases. Use cases execute their logic by assembling different parts
of the application. A MessageBus can be of great help here. QCEC
defines concepts and
practices how to use a MessageBus inside the context of use cases or components with
similar requirements of loosely coupling, extensibility and testability while having
more shared context than integration between use cases and Frameworks.
QCEC (qcc) stands for Query, Constraint, Event and Command. These four concepts when combined with a synchronous MessageBus ease the assembling of logic into a use case. Queries are responsible to retrieve information out of other objects. Constraints inform others about a requirement, that, if violated, should rise an exception. The purpose of Events is to inform others or to share information with them. Commands perform updates on Domain Objects or Repositories.
Use cases need to retrieve information from the objects they interact with. Having a list
of all objects of interest results in high coupling. By using a MessageBus, a message
can be distributed to these objects without the use case having too much knowledge
about them. The message is written as Query
. This means, that subscriber
upon receiving the Query
object can use Query
specific methods to store
their data into the object. Let's take an example, in which we want to query all of our
apple trees about the number of apples they currently hold. We define a custom Query,
that is responsible to query how many apples all of our apple trees have:
class NumberOfApplesQuery implements Query<Integer>{
private int sumOfApples;
public void reportPartialResult(int numberOfApples){
public Integer result() {
return sumOfApples;
The AppleTree
class can subscribe itself on the NumberOfApplesQuery
Each AppleTree reports its number of apples, whenever someone wants to know how many
apples there are:
class AppleTree {
public AppleTree(int numberOfApples, QueryResolver queryResolver) {
queryResolver.answer(NumberOfApplesQuery.class, numberOfApplesQuery -> {
Now the use case does not not how to interact with AppleTree
objects. He just
needs to send the query:
MessageBus messageBus = MessageBusBuilder.aMessageBus()
QueryResolver queryResolver = QueryResolverFactory.aQueryResolver(messageBus);
new AppleTree(1, queryResolver);
new AppleTree(3, queryResolver);
int numberOfApples = queryResolver.queryRequired(new NumberOfApplesQuery());
assertEquals(4, numberOfApples);
Executing a Query on the QueryResolver allows querying all AppleTrees about their stock. Although in this example the querying code already knows how many apples there are, it should be obvious, that the AppleTrees could be created somewhere else without compromising the validity of the code. The querying code does not even know about the existence of the AppleTrees. There could be different kinds of AppleTrees and the querying code would still be the same.
There exists two different methods for querying query
and queryRequired
Optional<Integer> optional = queryResolver.query(new NumberOfApplesQuery());
int numberOfApples = optional.orElseThrow(() -> new UnsupportedOperationException("Expected a query result."));
int numberOfApples = queryResolver.queryRequired(new NumberOfApplesQuery());
The query
method allows queries not having a result and therefore returning an
optional. The queryRequired
method throws an UnsupportedOperationException
there is no result.
The answer
method returns an SubscriptionId
object. This can be used for the
method to stop answering methods. The answer
can also be used
on super classes or interfaces. In this case all subclasses will result in the
method to be called with the respective instance.
SubscriptionId subscriptionId = queryResolver.answer(Query.class, q -> handle(q));
Per default queries are delivered to all Subscribers and the result is returned
afterwards. But queries can be stopped early, when it's apparent, that further
Subscribers won't add value to the result. To stop a query early, override the
method. Once it returns true
, the query is stopped and the result
is returned immediately.
class PreemptiveQuery implements Query<Object> {
private Object result;
public void setResult(Object result) {
this.result = result;
public Object result() {
return result;
public boolean finished() {
return result != null;
When subscribing for queries, superclasses can be used. The underlying MessageBus
ensures, that all subclasses of the class used in answer
will also call the
Queries are used to retrieve data from others. They should not throw an exception, because it would mix up the partially retrieved data with the exception. But it's often necessary to ensure, that a specific constraint holds and if it does not, to raise an exception. This differs from queries in that way as a Constraint either holds or an exception is thrown. But a constraint will never return data.
Let's suppose we want to ensure, that the usernames of users are unique. We use a Constraint:
class UniqueUsernameConstraint {
public String usernameToCheck;
public UniqueUsernameConstraint(String usernameToCheck) {
this.usernameToCheck = usernameToCheck;
The User class is responsible to protect the uniqueness of its username:
class User {
private String username;
public User(String username, ConstraintEnforcer constraintEnforcer) {
this.username = username;
constraintEnforcer.respondTo(UniqueUsernameConstraint.class, uniqueUsernameConstraint -> {
throw new UsernameAlreadyInUseException(username);
Now any code can send Constraints on the ConstraintEnforcer
to ensure, that the unique username constraint holds.
MessageBus messageBus = MessageBusBuilder.aMessageBus()
ConstraintEnforcer constraintEnforcer = ConstraintEnforcerFactory.aConstraintEnforcer(messageBus);
new User("Tim", constraintEnforcer);
constraintEnforcer.enforce(new UniqueUsernameConstraint("Tim"));
Similar to the QueryResolver, the respondTo
method allows for inheritance
and interfaces. It also returns a SubscriptionId
can be used as parameter for the unsubscribe
method to stop responding to constraints.
When subscribing for constraints, superclasses can be used. The underlying MessageBus
ensures, that all subclasses of the class used in respondTo
will also call the
Queries retrieve information, constraints enforce rules and events are used to forward information. Events never return information and should not throw an exception. They are just used to indicate, that something happened.
Let's suppose a very basic login use case: Given a username and password, a login is tried. If it succeeded, an event is published to inform others, that the user went online.
MessageBus messageBus = MessageBusBuilder.aMessageBus()
EventBus eventBus = EventBusFactory.aEventBus(messageBus);
boolean loginSuccessful = login(this.username, this.password);
eventBus.publish(new UserOnlineEvent(this.username));
class UserOnlineEvent {
public String username;
public UserOnlineEvent(String username) {
this.username = username;
The code publishing the event does not care, what others do with the information or even if there are others. It is of no concern for its functionality that other receive the event.
But other components might be interested, when a user goes online:
class UserOnlineView {
private final List<String> userOnline = new ArrayList<>();
public UserOnlineView(EventBus eventBus) {
eventBus.reactTo(UserOnlineEvent.class, userOnlineEvent -> {
final String username = userOnlineEvent.username;
The UserOnlineView
is dependent on the event and its information. But it doesn't
care, who sent it. It just needs the information.
The EventBus
has three methods: reactTo
to add a subscriber for a class and all
its subclasses. publish
sends the Event on the underlying synchronous MessageBus.
And unsubscribe
removes the subscription for the given SubscriptionId
When subscribing for events, superclasses can be used. The underlying MessageBus
ensures, that all subclasses of the class used in reactTo
will also call the
Aside from querying and aggregating data, use cases are responsible for a safe and secure update to the applications data. A common pattern is to model the update in form of Commands. A Command is a reusable abstraction over the the update. It gets the required parameter during its creation by the use case. During its invocation by the consuming counterpart it gets all information to execute its task. By moving the update logic out of the use case into a distinct object, the update process becomes decoupled from the use case and therefore reusable and testable.
It's rarely the case that an application uses only Queries, Constraints or
Events. Most of the time it's a mixture of these three. Therefore it
becomes a burden to drag along a QueryResolver
, a
and an EventBus
. It also becomes difficult to remember which
SubscriptionId was used for which of these objects. Therefore the DocumentBus
was created to combine these concepts and provide an easier to use interface.
It provides three entry methods: answer
for Queries, ensure
for Constraints and
for Events, which represent the three respective methods of the QueryResolver,
ConstraintEnforcer and EventBus. But the DocumentBus allows to enhance the subscription
with conditionals and an automatic unsubscription.
Let's extend the AppleTree example with an DocumentBus. An AppleTree still reports his
stock of apples to the NumberOfApplesQuery
. But only if the query is from the owner
of the tree. And the tree can only report as long as it is not cut down. Then it should
stop its reporting and unsubscribe from the NumberOfApplesQuery
DocumentBus documentBus = DocumentBusBuilder.aDefaultDocumentBus();
SubscriptionId subscriptionId = documentBus.answer(NumberOfAppleQuery.class)
.onlyIf(numberOfAppleQuery -> numberOfAppleQuery.getOwner().equals(this.owner))
.until(AppleTreeCutDownEvent.class, appleTreeCutDownEvent -> appleTreeCutDownEvent.getTree().equals(this))
.using(numberOfAppleQuery -> numberOfAppleQuery.reportPartial(this.numberOfApples))
The answer
method takes the Query, for which itself or its subclasses the Consumer
given in using
should be called. The onlyIf
method can add arbitrary many conditions.
Only if all of them return true
the Consumer given in using
is called.
The until
method allows for one or several automatic unsubscriptions. Whenever one of
these conditions return true, the subscription is removed and the AppleTree stops
responding to the NumberOfAppleQuery
. The returned SubscriptionId identified
subscription for the query. It can be used to manually unsubscribe as long
as an the until
condition has not been met yet.
The same convenience interface exists for the Constraint's ensure
and the
Event's reactTo
.until(AppleTreeCutDownEvent.class, appleTreeCutDownEvent -> appleTreeCutDownEvent.getTree().equals(this))
.using(appleTreeCutDownEvent -> releaseResources());
.until(AppleTreeCutDownEvent.class, appleTreeCutDownEvent -> appleTreeCutDownEvent.getTree().equals(this))
.using(treeSpotFreeConstraint -> {
throw new TreeSpotAlreadyOccupiedException(;
The onlyIf
methods also exists for reactTo
and ensure
Sending objects is similar to the distinct single objects:
Optional<Integer> optional = documentBus.query(new NumberOfAppleQuery());
int numberOfApples = documentBus.queryRequired(new NumberOfAppleQuery());
documentBus.enforce(new TreeSpotFreeConstraint());
documentBus.publish(new AppleTreeCutDownEvent());
Implementing a Request-Reply communication over an asynchronous MessageBus can be error-prone. Once the request is send, numerous ways exist, how to respond to it. It could be answered by different types for replies. Some model success responses, others error responses. But also exceptions can occur and no regular response is ever sent. In case several requests are simultaneously active, responses and exceptions have to be checked, if they correspond to the correct request.
The MessageFunction
class simplifies this Request-Reply communication. When sending
a request over a MessageFunction
, a ResponseFuture
is returned. This will fulfill,
once a message with a CorrelationId
is received, that matches the requests
MessageId`, or an exception occured for either the request, or a correlated reply.
The future provides the methods get
and await
, which block the caller until a result
is received or the optional timeout expired. The future also allows for a non blocking
processing. Via the then
method follow up actions can be defined, that are executed
once a the future is fulfilled.
The following example models the process of buying a number of apples from a farmer.
The BuyAppleRequest
starts the negotiation. The farmer can accept the offer with
an AcceptOfferReply
or decline with a DeclineOfferReply
based on his stock:
class Farmer {
private int stock;
public Farmer(MessageBus messageBus, int stock) {
this.stock = stock;
messageBus.subscribeRaw(buyAppleEventType, processingContext -> {
BuyAppleRequest buyAppleRequest = processingContext.getPayload();
CorrelationId correlationId = processingContext.generateCorrelationIdForAnswer();
boolean acceptOffer = stock >= buyAppleRequest.numberOfApples;
BuyAppleReply reply = new BuyAppleReply(acceptOffer);
messageBus.send(replyEventType, reply, correlationId);
class BuyAppleRequest {
public int numberOfApples;
public BuyAppleRequest(int numberOfApples) {
this.numberOfApples = numberOfApples;
class BuyAppleReply {
boolean accept;
BuyAppleReply(boolean accept){
this.accept = accept;
The CorrelationId
is necessary to match a reply to its corresponding request. Instead
of implementing a lot of subscriber and error logic itself the client code makes use
of a MessageFunction
MessageBus messageBus = MessageBusBuilder.aMessageBus()
MessageFunction messageFunction = MessageFunctionBuilder.aMessageFunction(messageBus);
new Farmer(messageBus, 11);
BuyAppleRequest request = new BuyAppleRequest(5);
ResponseFutureresponseFuture = messageFunction.request(buyAppleEventType, request);
responseFuture.then((response, errorResponse, exception) -> {
if (exception != null) {
System.out.println("Exception occured: " + exception);
} else {
if (errorResponse == null) {
System.out.println("payload received normally: " + response);
} else {
System.out.println("error payload: " + errorResponse);
The then
method is invoked once the future fulfils. Inside the FollowUpAction
, the exception
should be checked first. It is not null, if the request or the reply caused an exception. The
field is true, if no exception occurred and the ProcessingContext
error payload was null. Otherwise it is false. The response
contains the payload of
the reply.
The ResponseFuture
implements the java Future
interface. Therefore it
provides methods to query or wait on the result. But it also defines additional
get and wait methods to access the received ProcessingContext
or error payload.
try {
Object response = responseFuture.get();
Object errorResponse = responseFuture.getErrorResponse();
ProcessingContext<Object> processingContext = responseFuture.getRaw();
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
try {
Object response = responseFuture.get(10, MILLISECONDS);
Object errorResponse = responseFuture.getErrorResponse(10, MILLISECONDS);
ProcessingContext<Object> processingContext = responseFuture.getRaw(10, MILLISECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | TimeoutException e) {
boolean noExceptionOrErrorResponse = responseFuture.wasSuccessful();
boolean responseExceptionOrCancellationOccurred = responseFuture.isDone();
boolean cancelled = responseFuture.isCancelled();
The get
methods suspend the caller until a result was receied or the optional
timeout expired. Cancelling a the future, will block its fulfillment. The underlying
request or anything except that, will not be cancelled.
A future fulfills only once. So an exception during the sending of a request will fulfill
the future. Subsequent replies to the request will be ignored and won't trigger any
twice. At any time only one FollowUpAction
is allowed. When the future
is cancelled, no FollowUpActions
will be executed.
In qcec we have seen, how to use messaging in the scope of a single use case. But invoking use cases using messaging provides the same benefits: low coupling and high extensibility. Message-Mate provides several concepts to ease the configuration of the application's use case invocation.
The UseCaseBus
is the most convenient form of invoking use cases over an asynchronous
. It provides an expressive builder interface to configure the invoked
use cases, their serializing and deserializing logic. The following example should make
the different steps more clear:
We want to invoke the SampleUseCase
class over a MessageBus
, that is shared between
all use cases and probably some external frameworks handling http, websockets or other
messaging systems to foreign systems. The use case defines appropriate parameter objets:
class UseCaseParameter {
private final int someNumber;
UseCaseParameter(int someNumber) {
this.someNumber = someNumber;
class SampleUseCase {
public UseCaseReturnValue doStuff(UseCaseParameter request) {
String message = "Received: " + request.someNumber;
return new UseCaseReturnValue(message);
class UseCaseReturnValue {
private final String message;
UseCaseReturnValue(String message) {
this.message = message;
Without any helper classes, the use case could be invoked over the MessageBus
messageBus.subscribe(useCaseEventType, o -> {
SampleUseCase useCase = new SampleUseCase();
UseCaseReturnValue returnValue = useCase.doStuff((UseCaseParameter) o);
messageBus.send(useCaseResponseEventType, returnValue);
messageBus.send(useCaseEventType, new UseCaseParameter(5));
This solution has several problems. First of all, it becomes a burden to register
all of the application's use cases or adapt to changes in those use cases.
Second, sending the parameter as it is over the message bus creates a higher
coupling as necessary. Each subscriber, that wants to access the objects
of type useCaseEventType
has to depend on the UseCaseParameter.class
. Since
the use case cannot know of potential users of this class, it has to take great
care when changing the class. Therefore it is better to send data to and from
use cases in a serialized form: as a Map<String,Object>
. Potential consumer
can take these map and extract only required data from it in a form, that
each consumer can decide upon its own. In case of the use case it would be
to deserialize it into a UseCaseParameter
messageBus.subscribe(useCaseEventType, map -> {
SampleUseCase useCase = new SampleUseCase();
UseCaseParameter useCaseParameter = deserialize(map);
UseCaseReturnValue returnValue = useCase.doStuff(useCaseParameter);
Map<String, Object> serializedReturnValue = serialize(returnValue);
messageBus.send(useCaseResponseEventType, returnValue);
UseCaseParameter parameter = new UseCaseParameter(5);
Map<String, Object> requestMap = serialize(parameter);
messageBus.send(useCaseEventType, parameter);
Allthough sending the data in a serialized form, the invocatio of the
use case became tidious, as three (de-)serialization steps have to be
done. If the returnValue would be of interest, a fourth and final
deserialization step would have been added to deserialize the
back to the correct class. To make it more
complicated, we do not reuse the the UseCaseParameter
classes, as they should only be owned by the use
case itself. We introduce two additional classes:
class UseCaseRequest {
private final int someNumber;
UseCaseRequest(int someNumber) {
this.someNumber = someNumber;
class UseCaseResponse {
private final String message;
UseCaseResponse(String message) {
this.message = message;
Code invoking the use case will use these classes, so that the parameter and return classes, that the use case uses, can be freely changed, as the use case requires. Invocing the use case requires the following 5 steps:
- Create a
object, serialize it and send it on theMessageBus
- Take the serialized request and deserialize it to a
. - Invoke the use case with its single public method.
- Serialize the
and send it back. - Deserialize the response into a
Maintaining these 5 steps becomes a burden for several use cases. Therefore
the UseCaseBus
class was introduced. It provides a builder, that eases
all the serialization/deserialization definitions and also the use case invocation.
Taking the example from before, we can rewrite the code as follows:
UseCaseBus useCaseBus = UseCaseInvocationBuilder.anUseCaseBus()
.mappingRequestsToUseCaseParametersOfType(UseCaseParameter.class).using((targetType, map) -> new UseCaseParameter((Integer) map.get("SampleUseCase.intParam")))
.deserializingUseCaseResponsesOfType(UseCaseResponse.class).using((targetType, map) -> new UseCaseResponse((String) map.get("SampleUseCase.returnValue")))
.serializingUseCaseRequestOfType(UseCaseRequest.class).using(useCaseRequest -> Map.of("SampleUseCase.intParam", useCaseRequest.someNumber))
.serializingResponseObjectsOfType(UseCaseReturnValue.class).using(caseReturnValue -> Map.of("SampleUseCase.returnValue", caseReturnValue.message))
Let's explain each line step by step:
- Starting the configuration of the
- defining which class to invoke for which type. Als defines, that the only public method should be invoked. Alternatives to calling specific methods in case not only a single method is present will be discussed later.
: For each request a new use case instance will be created by using the constructor without parameters. Alternatively an injector can be set, that allows for greater control.- Define the deserialization steps:
is responsible to create the use case method's parameter from the map send over theMessageBus
. deserializingUseCaseResponsesOfType
: After the invocation and the sending of the serialized return value, the fourth and last deserializing step is used to create an object from the response map.- The deserialization definitions need a default mapping. This method throws an exception, whenever no matching deserialization is found.
takes the request object and serialized it on theMessageBus
. It takes theUseCaseRequest's
message property and stores it asSampleUseCase.intParam
in the map. That's the reason, themappingRequestsToUseCaseParametersOfType
method took theSampleUseCase.intParam
property.- In case the use case returns a value, the
method allows for defining, how to put the value in a map. - The serialization definitions also need a default value, which would be also throw a exception.
- Use case methods can throw exceptions. These exceptions need also also to
be serialized, before sending them back to the caller (but as error payload).
will take each exception and put the exception object underException
in the map. - Set the used
and create theuseCaseBus
Once the UseCaseBus
has been defined, it allows for invoking use cases and
waiting for their result with as follows:
EventType eventType = EventType.eventTypeFromString("useCase1");
UseCaseRequest useCaseRequest = new UseCaseRequest(5);
try {
PayloadAndErrorPayload<UseCaseResponse, Void> result = useCaseBus.invokeAndWait(eventType, useCaseRequest, UseCaseResponse.class, Void.class);
final UseCaseResponse response = result.getPayload();
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
The invokeAndWait
method takes the EventType
, the data and two Classes
as parameters.
The data will be serialized using the definitions from above and will be send
to the use case assigned to the specific EventType
. Once a response has been received,
the two classes are used to deserialize the response back to real objects.
The invokeAndWait
method can also take an additional timeout. Also in case no
final deserialization is needed, invokeAndWaitNotDeserialized
versions exist,
that return the serialized Map<String, Object>
try {
PayloadAndErrorPayload<UseCaseResponse, ErrorResponseClass> result = useCaseBus.invokeAndWait(eventType, request, UseCaseResponse.class, ErrorResponseClass.class, 10, MILLISECONDS);
PayloadAndErrorPayload<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>> result2 = useCaseBus.invokeAndWaitNotDeserialized(eventType, request);
PayloadAndErrorPayload<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>> result3 = useCaseBus.invokeAndWaitNotDeserialized(eventType, request, 10, MILLISECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | TimeoutException e) {
The example above demonstrated the easiest form of configuring the UseCaseBus
But in case a more complex setup is needed, most of the methods described above
have a more customizable version.
Invoking the use case with callingTheSingleUseCaseMethod
is the easiest way,
as the method simplifies all of the (de)serialization and method calling.
But there exists cases, where the method cannot be used, for instance, if a use
case has more than one public method. Then the invocation has to be defined explicitely:
.invokingUseCase(SampleUseCase.class).forType("t1").calling((sampleUseCase, o) -> {
UseCaseParameter parameter = deserialize(o);
UseCaseReturnValue returnValue = sampleUseCase.doStuff(parameter);
Map<String, Object> responseMap = serialize(returnValue);
return responseMap;
.invokingUseCase(SampleUseCase.class).forType("t3").callingVoid((sampleUseCase, o) -> {
UseCaseParameter parameter = serialize(o);
.invokingUseCase(SampleUseCase.class).forType("t2").callingBy((useCase, event, requestDeserializer, responseSerializer) -> {
Map<String, Object> requestMap = (Map<String, Object>) event;
UseCaseParameter parameter = requestDeserializer.deserialize(UseCaseParameter.class, requestMap);
UseCaseReturnValue returnValue = useCase.doStuff(parameter);
return responseSerializer.serialize(returnValue);
The calling
method takes java BiFunction<U, Object, Map<String, Object>>
. This
function gets the use case instance, the request map and should return the
response map. All (de)serialization and method calling is defined by the user.
The callingVoid
method is similar, except, that it expects the use case to not
return a value. This results in an empty response map. The callingBy
provides access to the use case instance, the request map, the configured
serializer and deserializer. It expects a filled response map as return value.
In case a custom logic is needed, to instantiate the use cases, the
method allows for defining a injector. For
each request, the injector will be called.
.obtainingUseCaseInstancesUsing(new UseCaseInstantiator() {
public <T> T instantiate(Class<T> type) {
return newInstance(type);
The deserialization definitions are usually class based. But in case more
fine grained control, the mappingRequestsToUseCaseParametersThat
methods exist, that take an
BiPredicate<Class<?>, Map<String, Object>>
, which also gets access to
the current map. In case a different default deserialization instead of throwing
an exception is needed, use the deserializeObjectsPerDefault
For the serialization, similar functions exists: serializingUseCaseRequestThat
and serializingResponseObjectsThat
take a Predicate<Object>
, with access
to the current object, that should be mapped to a map. In case null
should be mapped, the serializinguseCaseRequestsOfTypeVoid
methods exists, as null.getClass()
won't work. In case a different default serialization instead of throwing
an exception is needed, use the serializingObjectsByDefaultUsing
For the exception serializing, the same overloaded methods exist.
takes a class for which to include the following
mapping defined in the using
method. serializingExceptionsThat
a Predicate<Exception>
to decide, when to trigger. The
can be replaced
by serializingExceptionsByDefaultUsing
. Please note, that the later
will throw an exception outside the exception mapping function. This later
exception will not be mapped, but instead, will be thrown as exception on the
Once UseCaseBus
is configured invoking a use case is reduced to calling
. Although, this is very convenient to use, there exist
cases, where more control is needed. A good example, is the functionality
of the ResponseFuture's
method, which allows non blocking
handling of responses. The invokeAndWait
method always blocks, so it
is not a valid substitute. For these cases, where more control in the sending
and waiting on messages is needed, the the UseCaseInvocationBuilder
can output a UseCaseAdapter
, which fulfills only the use case invocation
part of the UseCaseBus
: It subscribes the defined use cases for their
specific EventTypes
on the MessageBus
. Whenever a fitting message
is received, the target use case is invoked with the defined (de)serialization.
But the sending of requests and waiting of responses is left for the user. This
allows for a more controlled sending, for instance using a MessageFunction
The following example describes the differences, when using a UseCaseAdapter
instead of a UseCaseBus
. The methods of the UseCaseInvocationBuilder
the same as for the UseCaseBus
UseCaseAdapter useCaseAdapter = UseCaseInvocationBuilder.anUseCaseAdapter()
.mappingRequestsToUseCaseParametersOfType(UseCaseParameter.class).using((targetType, map) -> new UseCaseParameter((Integer) map.get("SampleUseCase.intParam")))
.deserializingUseCaseResponsesOfType(UseCaseResponse.class).using((targetType, map) -> new UseCaseResponse((String) map.get("SampleUseCase.returnValue")))
.serializingResponseObjectsOfType(UseCaseReturnValue.class).using(caseReturnValue -> Map.of("SampleUseCase.returnValue", caseReturnValue.message))
.serializingUseCaseRequestOfType(UseCaseRequest.class).using(useCaseRequest -> Map.of("SampleUseCase.intParam", useCaseRequest.someNumber))
EventType eventType = EventType.eventTypeFromString("t1");
MessageFunction messageFunction = MessageFunctionBuilder.aMessageFunction(messageBus);
ResponseFuture responseFuture = messageFunction.request(eventType, mapData);
The attachAndEnhance
function registers the use cases on the given MessageBus
It returns a SerializedMessageBus
, which is described further below:
SerializedMessageBus serializedMessageBus = useCaseAdapter.attachAndEnhance(messageBus);
It can also directly take an SerializedMessageBus
The UseCaseBus
simplifies invoking use cases. In case more control is needed when
sending requests and handling responses, the UseCaseAdapter
can be used. This
works for all use cases, that take parameter and return a single (or none) return
value. But there exists use cases, that send extra messages on the MessageBus
during their execution. These messages should also be send in their serialized form to
not brake any code, that excepts only objects of type Map<String, Object>
the MessageBus
. This requirement forces use cases to know, how to serialize objects.
But this information is usually defined during the creation of the UseCaseBus
. To not duplicate these kind of information, the SerializedMessageBus
was created. The SerializedMessageBus
wraps a normal MessageBus
and provides
methods to send messages, that are automatically serialized using the serializers
defined in the UseCaseInvocationBuilder
, and receive responses deserialized like
the UseCaseBus
would do.
A SerializedMessageBus
can be created using its factory method:
SerializedMessageBus serializedMessageBus = SerializedMessageBus.aSerializedMessageBus(messageBus, deserializer, serializer);
But since the serializer and deserializer are defined in the UseCaseAdapter
, its normally better
to let the UseCaseAdapter
create the wrapping SerializedMessageBus
with the correct deserializer
and serializer:
SerializedMessageBus serializedMessageBus = useCaseAdapter.attachAndEnhance(messageBus);
The attachAndEnhance
will add all necessary subscriber to the MessageBus
. It will then
wrap the bus and return it with the correct (de)serializers.
The resulting SerializedMessageBus
can send both serialized and not yet serialized data:
//sending raw data
Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
serializedMessageBus.send(eventType, data);
CorrelationId correlationId = newUniqueCorrelationId();
serializedMessageBus.send(eventType, data, correlationId);
Map<String, Object> errorData = new HashMap<>();
serializedMessageBus.send(eventType, data, errorData);
serializedMessageBus.send(eventType, data, errorData, correlationId);
//sending data, that is serialized first
UseCaseRequest data = new UseCaseRequest(5);
serializedMessageBus.serializeAndSend(eventType, data);
serializedMessageBus.serializeAndSend(eventType, data, correlationId);
ErrorData errorData = new ErrorData();
serializedMessageBus.serializeAndSend(eventType, data, errorData);
serializedMessageBus.serializeAndSend(eventType, data, errorData, correlationId);
It also allows for sending requests and waiting for their response:
//not serialized
Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
PayloadAndErrorPayload<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>> result = serializedMessageBus.invokeAndWait(eventType, data);
PayloadAndErrorPayload<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>> result = serializedMessageBus.invokeAndWait(eventType, data, 10, MILLISECONDS);
//only serialize request data
UseCaseRequest data = new UseCaseRequest(5);
PayloadAndErrorPayload<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>> result = serializedMessageBus.invokeAndWaitSerializedOnly(eventType, data);
PayloadAndErrorPayload<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>> result = serializedMessageBus.invokeAndWaitSerializedOnly(eventType, data, 10, MILLISECONDS);
//serialize request and deserialize response
PayloadAndErrorPayload<UseCaseResponse, ErrorResponse> result = serializedMessageBus.invokeAndWaitDeserialized(eventType, data, UseCaseResponse.class, ErrorResponse.class);
PayloadAndErrorPayload<UseCaseResponse, ErrorResponse> result = serializedMessageBus.invokeAndWaitDeserialized(eventType, data, UseCaseResponse.class, ErrorResponse.class, 10, MILLISECONDS);
Similar to the usual MessageBus
, subscribers can be added and removed:
Subscriber<PayloadAndErrorPayload<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>>> subscriber = new Subscriber<PayloadAndErrorPayload<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>>>() {
public AcceptingBehavior accept(PayloadAndErrorPayload<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>> message) {
Map<String, Object> payload = message.getPayload();
Map<String, Object> errorPayload = message.getErrorPayload();
return AcceptingBehavior.MESSAGE_ACCEPTED;
public SubscriptionId getSubscriptionId() {
return subscriptionId;
serializedMessageBus.subscribe(eventType, subscriber);
serializedMessageBus.subscribe(correlationId, subscriber);
Subscriber<PayloadAndErrorPayload<UseCaseResponse, ErrorResponse>> subscriber = new Subscriber<PayloadAndErrorPayload<UseCaseResponse, ErrorResponse>>() {
public AcceptingBehavior accept(PayloadAndErrorPayload<UseCaseResponse, ErrorResponse> message) {
return AcceptingBehavior.MESSAGE_ACCEPTED;
public SubscriptionId getSubscriptionId() {
return subscriptionId;
serializedMessageBus.subscribeDeserialized(eventType, subscriber, UseCaseResponse.class, ErrorResponse.class);
serializedMessageBus.subscribeDeserialized(correlationId, subscriber, UseCaseResponse.class, ErrorResponse.class);
Most of the functions, that take an Subscriber object, are overloaded to take also
a Consumer object. Internally the Consumer object is mapped to a Subscriber, but the
user does not have to burden itself with the handling of SubscriptionIds. But implementing
your own Subscriber allows for greater control over the accepting and subscription mechanisms.
The Subscriber
interface defines two methods:
public interface Subscriber<T> {
AcceptingBehavior accept(T message);
SubscriptionId getSubscriptionId();
The accept
method is called, whenever an object of the type T
is received. The message
should return an AcceptingBehavior
object. This object can control, if the delivery of the
message should be continued:
public AcceptingBehavior accept(Object message) {
boolean continueDelivery = handle(message);
return AcceptingBehavior.acceptingBehavior(continueDelivery);
A false
will stop the delivery of the message to subsequent subscriber. If the result
is known statically, two convenience constants can be used:
The second method getSubscriptionId
should return a SubscriptionId, that is constant
and unique for the Subscriber. The identification of an subscriber should be dependent
on the equality of the SubscriberId returned by this method. equals
and hashCode
should behave accordingly.
Two convenience implementations of the Subscriber
interface exist: The ConsumerSubscriber
which creates a Subscriber
from java consume
and the PreemptiveSubscriber
, which takes
a java predicate
. The return value of the predicate
is used to decide, if the
delivery is continued (return true
) or if it is preempted (return false
ConsumerSubscriber<Object> consumerSubscriber = ConsumerSubscriber.consumerSubscriber(m -> {
PreemptiveSubscriber<Object> preemptiveSubscriber = PreemptiveSubscriber.preemptiveSubscriber(m -> {
if (shouldDeliveryContinue(m)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
The built-in Actions for Channels should cover most use cases. In case customization
is needed, the Action
interface can be implemented:
public interface Action<T> {}
It does not define any methods. An Action is only a container for necessary data. All
the logic about executing the Action is done by the respective ActionHandler
. For
every custom Action, there must be an ActionHandler
specifically written for this Action:
public interface ActionHandler<T extends Action<R>, R> {
void handle(T action, ProcessingContext<R> processingContext);
The ActionHandler
interface defines two generic parameter: R
is the generic given by the
Action. Normally it is inherited by the type of the Channel. T
corresponds the Action
for which the ActionHandler is written. The handle
method is called whenever a message
with the Action has reached the end of the Channel. The following example implements a logging Action.
This should clarify the generic parameter:
We define a custom Log
Action, which contains a PrintStream as target.
class Log<T> implements Action<T> {
private final PrintStream stream = System.out;
public PrintStream getStream() {
return stream;
Additionally an ActionHandler
is needed, so that Channel can execute the Log Action:
class LogActionHandler<T> implements ActionHandler<Log<T>, T> {
public void handle(Log<T> action, ProcessingContext<T> processingContext) {
final PrintStream stream = action.getStream();
When we want to use our Log Action, we have to make it known to the Channel. Each
Channel has an ActionHandlerSet
set during creation. Only those code Actions
can be used as final code Action of the code Channel, that have a matching
ActionHandler registered in the set. If an unknown Action is encountered, an
is thrown.
To add your custom Action, register it the your custom ActionHandlerSet
ActionHandlerSet<Object> actionHandlerSet = DefaultActionHandlerSet.defaultActionHandlerSet();
actionHandlerSet.registerActionHandler(Log.class, new LogActionHandler<>());
Channel<Object> channel = ChannelBuilder.aChannel(Object.class)
.withDefaultAction(new Log<>())
We used the default ActionHandlerSet
, so that we do not have to register the built-in
Actions and their ActionHandlers ourselves. But a completely different set can be built from scratch
anytime with:
ActionHandlerSet<T> actionHandlerSet = ActionHandlerSet.emptyActionHandlerSet();
//manually registering all built-in actions
actionHandlerSet.registerActionHandler(Consume.class, ConsumerActionHandler.consumerActionHandler());
actionHandlerSet.registerActionHandler(Subscription.class, SubscriptionActionHandler.subscriptionActionHandler());
actionHandlerSet.registerActionHandler(Jump.class, JumpActionHandler.jumpActionHandler());
actionHandlerSet.registerActionHandler(Return.class, ReturnActionHandler.returnActionHandler());
actionHandlerSet.registerActionHandler(Call.class, CallActionHandler.callActionHandler());