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Help: python . --help
Data preprocessing: python . dataprep --help
e.g python . dataprep --pathin <in_dir> --pathout <out_dir> --chext --proc --truth
Training: python . train --help
e.g python . predict --pathin testset3 --pathout test --ckpt 80.0 --nms 0.001 --obj 0.005 --video gif
Prediction: python . predict --help
e.g python . train --pathin trainset --datasplit 0.9 --ckpt 80.0 --ep 500\

Some Sources

YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement (paper)
YOLOv3 PyTorch
YOLOv3 PyTorch (detection)
PyTorch Network Tranining Tutorial
YOLOv3 Tensorflow
YOLOv3 Tensorflow (alternative)\


├── ...
├── cfg                    # DarkNet config files
├── dataprep               # LIBRARY: Preprocessing
├── dataset                # DATASETS
│   ├── <set_name>         `dataprep --pathin <set_name>
│   │   ├── chext          # Images after channel extraction `dataprep --chext`
│   │   ├── final          # Network-ready images `dataprep --truth`
│   │   └── proc           # Images after `dataprep --proc`
├── raw                    # Raw dataset files (.h5)
├── results                # PREDICTIONS 
│   ├── <set_name>         `predict --pathin <set_name>`
│   │   └── pred           # Images with predicted and true bbs
├── save
│   └── checkpoints        # Model checkpoints
├── yolo                   # LIBRARY: Object detection (train and predict)
└── ...


  • Network output params: (Batch x No of BBs x BB attributes)
    • Batch Size: number of images fed as a batch (e.g 8)
    • No of BBs: number of bounding boxes found for each image with full network config (e.g 10647 (usually))
    • BB attributes: (e.g 6) bb_dims (4) + obj_score (1) + class_scores (e.g 1 (number of objects))


  • Util (yolo.util)
    • mAP (mean_average_precision())
    • mAP with NMS \
    • mAP \
    • mAP over epoch plot (plot_mAP())
  • Hyperparameters check

Changes Required (temporal info)

  • Data loader (yolo.dataset)

    • Take sequence of images (instead of single image)
  • Model (yolo.darknet)

    • Add GRU layer
    • Combine GRU output with current timestep features
    • Add the new loss parameter
  • Network (cfg\yolov3micro.cfg)

    • Add/modify GRU layer
    • Add/modify feedforward layer
    • Combine layer (GRU output with current timestep features)


25.05.2021 - EB - Version 1.3.1

  • Working on plot_precision_recall()
  • Implemented correctness() for TP/FP/FN calculations
  • Implemented precision_recall() for cumulative TP and FP, precision and recall calculations

08.04.2021 - EB - Version 1.2

  • Images to avi
  • Fixed multi bb ground truth
  • Fixed folder structure to final version

07.04.2021 - EB - Version 1.1

  • Images to gif
    • Animating results
  • Small truth bb issue may be existing (on w, h translation (matplotlib to PIL?))

05.04.2021 - EB - Finalized dataprep

  • Fixed shuffling in yolo.dataset
  • Default learning rate is reduced to 1e-5 from 1e-4
  • dataprep is stable
    • python . dataprep --help

31.03.2021 - EB - Version 1.0

  • Added __main__
    • Check python . --help
    • Example train run: python . train --lr 0.00001 --ep10
    • Example predict run: python . predict --cfg test --pathout test/results --ckpt 3.0 --obj 0.2 --nms 0.5
    • Example dataprep run: python . data
  • Renamed custom.cfg as yolov3micro.cfg
  • Removed class score (cls) from loss calculation as we have only 1 class
  • Changed objectiveness (obj) loss calculation from MSELoss to BCELoss
    • Objectiveness score loss calculation original uses binary cross entropy, we are using mean squared
  • Fixed bb calculation/scale issue
    • Total loss may be wrong (some inputs were skipping due to empty labels)
  • On validation loss, keep history and add graphs
    • yolo.util.plot_losses()
  • Added some random image manipulations/transformations for training input
    • Check the torchvision.transforms functionality
  • Remove empty labelled data completely
  • Moved and renamed to ./dataprep as
  • Fixed functionality of batch prediction

25.03.2021 - EB - First version

  • Reintroducing class and class loss
  • yolo.getDataLoaders(): dataset allocation for train/val or single set
    • with random_seed parameter we can get the same shuffle everytime (useful for testing)
  • Validation is now carried out right after each epoch
  • Output pipeline
  • Apply Non-Max Suppression
  • Detection (a working version)

23.03.2021 - EB - custom network

  • Changed lr of optim.SGD() to 0.0001
  • Reduce the network
    • Reduced number of layers from 106 to 52 (best we can do without reducing the YOLO layers)
    • Computation time is reduced by ~1/3
  • Save the model and get weights for detection
    • yolo.util.save_checkpoint(), yolo.util.load_checkpoint() (for training)
    • yolo.darknet.load_weights() (for detections, still to be tested)
  • Check if network output bounding box attributes are relative to the center of the prediction

18.03.2021 - EB - Learning

  • Filtering the empty labels with collate() at MmwaveDataset
  • Removed 'class' score attribute from everywhere

17.03.2021 - EB - Filtering empty labels

  • Added new ./checkpoints folder for saving network training status
  • Loss is returning 'nan' after 2nd or 3rd iteration

16.03.2021 - EB - Training

  • Label bounding box is fine now
  • Label class format should be fixed
  • Non-training seems to be working
  • YOLOLoss(): Loss function
  • NMSLayer(): Non-max suppression

05.03.2021 - EB

  • Working torch.autograd and loss.backward()

25.02.2021 - EB

  • Network training (a working version)
  • Input pipeline
  • Didn't remove classes after all. Now there is only 1 class (person)
  • Need some work on the network to raise the performance

22.02.2021 - EB

  • Input doesn't match the parameter size for some reason
  • Rest of the input pipelining is done!

16.02.2021 - EB

  • not quite working at the moment, almost there
  • bb are a part of the filename now
  • Dataset shuffling for train and test sets

15.02.2021 - EB

  • Pre-proccessing should be done.
  • Package dataprep is added. is the main data preparation file now.

15.01.2021 - EB

  • Working on which is the training module of the network.
    Added file which is used for input and output pipelining (taking input images, creating output images with bbs). Check arg_parse() function for input commands. Usage: python --images dog-cycle-car.png --det det

13.01.2021 - EB

  • Added Supporter class in "dataprep/". Bounding box calculation for ground truth data is label2bb() and a function for plotting with/without BB is plotRaw(). Didn't compile the file, it should work though.

07.04.2021 - EB - Version 1.1

  • Predictions to gif
    • Animating results
  • Small truth bb issue may be existing (on w, h translation (matplotlib to PIL?))

05.04.2021 - EB - Finalized dataprep

  • Fixed shuffling in yolo.dataset
  • Default learning rate is reduced to 1e-5 from 1e-4
  • dataprep is stable
    • python . dataprep --help

31.03.2021 - EB - Version 1.0

  • Added __main__
    • Check python . --help
    • Example train run: python . train --lr 0.00001 --ep10
    • Example predict run: python . predict --cfg test --pathout test/results --ckpt 3.0 --obj 0.2 --nms 0.5
    • Example dataprep run: python . data
  • Renamed custom.cfg as yolov3micro.cfg
  • Removed class score (cls) from loss calculation as we have only 1 class
  • Changed objectiveness (obj) loss calculation from MSELoss to BCELoss
    • Objectiveness score loss calculation original uses binary cross entropy, we are using mean squared
  • Fixed bb calculation/scale issue
    • Total loss may be wrong (some inputs were skipping due to empty labels)
  • On validation loss, keep history and add graphs
    • yolo.util.plot_losses()
  • Added some random image manipulations/transformations for training input
    • Check the torchvision.transforms functionality
  • Remove empty labelled data completely
  • Moved and renamed to ./dataprep as
  • Fixed functionality of batch prediction

24.03.2021 - EB

  • Reintroducing class and class loss
  • yolo.getDataLoaders(): dataset allocation for train/val or single set
    • with random_seed parameter we can get the same shuffle everytime (useful for testing)
  • Validation is now carried out right after each epoch
  • Output pipeline
  • Apply Non-Max Suppression
  • Detection (a working version)

21.03.2021 - EB

  • Changed lr of optim.SGD() to 0.0001
  • Reduce the network
    • Reduced number of layers from 106 to 52 (best we can do without reducing the YOLO layers)
    • Computation time is reduced by ~1/3
  • Save the model and get weights for detection
    • yolo.util.save_checkpoint(), yolo.util.load_checkpoint() (for training)
    • yolo.darknet.load_weights() (for detections, still to be tested)
  • Check if network output bounding box attributes are relative to the center of the prediction

18.03.2021 - EB

  • Filtering the empty labels with collate() at MmwaveDataset
  • Removed 'class' score attribute from everywhere

17.03.2021 - EB

  • Added new ./checkpoints folder for saving network training status
  • Loss is returning 'nan' after 2nd or 3rd iteration

16.03.2021 - EB

  • Label bounding box is fine now
  • Label class format should be fixed
  • Non-training seems to be working
  • YOLOLoss(): Loss function
  • NMSLayer(): Non-max suppression

05.03.2021 - EB

  • Working torch.autograd and loss.backward()

25.02.2021 - EB

  • Network training (a working version)
  • Input pipeline
  • Didn't remove classes after all. Now there is only 1 class (person)
  • Need some work on the network to raise the performance

22.02.2021 - EB

  • Input doesn't match the parameter size for some reason
  • Rest of the input pipelining is done!

16.02.2021 - EB

  • not quite working at the moment, almost there
  • bb are a part of the filename now
  • Dataset shuffling for train and test sets

15.02.2021 - EB

  • Pre-proccessing should be done.
  • Package dataprep is added. is the main data preparation file now.

15.01.2021 - EB

  • Working on which is the training module of the network.
    Added file which is used for input and output pipelining (taking input images, creating output images with bbs). Check arg_parse() function for input commands. Usage: python --images dog-cycle-car.png --det det

13.01.2021 - EB

  • Added Supporter class in "dataprep/". Bounding box calculation for ground truth data is label2bb() and a function for plotting with/without BB is plotRaw(). Didn't compile the file, it should work though.


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