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Releases: entvex/NgrokGUI

NgrokGUI 1.0.3

09 Mar 19:10
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Change log for version 1.0.3

Added support for tunnels on custom branded domains for paid Ngrok accounts.

NgrokGUI now targets the new .NET 6.0

NgrokSharp is updated to version 1.0.12. That brings a long list of performance improvements.

Thanks to
iotech-fvtt for the feature request
Ngrok for an account to test features on
Icons8 for icons

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.0.2...1.0.3

NgrokGUI 1.0.2

19 Oct 12:15
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Change log for version 1.0.2

In this release, one bug is fixed, that was giving an error, when a user started the application from the command line.

As for a completely new cross-platform version, that is on hold while I wait to see, how dotnet maui turns out.

Thanks to
snakehill for the bug report
Ngrok for an account to test features on
Icons8 for icons

What's Changed

NgrokGUI 1.0.1

12 Jul 17:28
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Changelog for version 1.0.1

I worked a bit more on the windows version due to good feature requests that i wanted to implement right away (thank you!). Therefore the cross platform version has been pushed back. The cross platform version works but it has some issues and will see major changes. If you are more interested in the cross platform version, please check the v2 and v3 branches on the github page.

  • Redesign of the "first time wizard" for ease of use.
  • You can now select the closest data center for better performance.
  • Added a new version of NgrokSharp with support for subdomains.
  • Changed the new tunnel window to allow for creation of a tunnel with
    subdomain if you have a paid ngrok account.
  • Removed the ability to make new tunnel with a duplicate name.
  • Added additional options for working with the tunnels in the listview
    (Start, Stop, Delete, Copy Link).
  • When a user with a free ngrok account stops a tunnel, the url is
    removed to reflect that it doesn't work anymore. When they start the
    tunnel again the url will be populated with a new temporary url.
  • The status bar now displays which data center you are connected to.
  • Now NgrokGUI saves tunnels, on exit and loads them on start.

Thanks to
Sairane101 for testing beta versions
vihatsoft and abbychau for feature requests.
Ngrok for an account to test features on
Icons8 for icons

NgrokGUI 1.0

17 Mar 13:06
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