Provides a database structure, API and import scripts to manage French communes, intercommunalités, départements and régions, with their structure and data from Insee and the DGCL.
This app was created as a part of Open Collectivités.
If the PostgreSQL user specified in the Django settings is not a superuser, connect to the postgres user and create the Unaccent extension manually:
psql \c <dbname> "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent;"
Add "francedata" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... "django_json_widget", "simple_history", "francedata", ]
python migrate
to create the francedata models.Run the two initialization commands to get the communes, EPCIs, départements and régions structure:
python cog_import python banatic_import
Visit to see the data.
- goal: load the following data from the Code officiel géographique (COG): list of regions, departements and communes, with how they are linked and: * insee and siren ids for the regions/departements * insee for the communes
- parameters: * --level: partial import of only the specified level (the script expects the higher ones to already be installed) Allowed values: regions, departements, communes * --years: import the specified year (min: 2019), by default it imports the latest available one in
- goal: load the following data from the Banatic: * siren ids and population data for the communes * insee for the communes
- The script expects that cog_import was already run and that the communes level is passed before the epci level.
- parameters: * --level: partial import of only the specified level. Allowed values: communes, epci * --years: import the specified year (min: 2019 for the communes level (data is taken from the file Table de correspondance code SIREN / Code Insee des communes from ), by default it imports the latest available one)
- warning: The epci level only works for the current year (data is taken from )