The intended usage is to be able to add molecular vectorization directly into scikit-learn pipelines, so that the final model directly predict on RDKit molecules or SMILES strings
As example with the needed scikit-learn and -mol imports and RDKit mol objects in the mol_list_train and _test lists:
pipe = Pipeline([('mol_transformer', MorganTransformer()), ('Regressor', Ridge())]), y_train)
pipe.score(mol_list_test, y_test)
>>> array([4.93858815])
The scikit-learn compatibility should also make it easier to include the fingerprinting step in hyperparameter tuning with scikit-learns utilities
The first draft for the project was created at the RDKIT UGM 2022 hackathon 2022-October-14
- Descriptors
- MolecularDescriptorTransformer
- Fingerprints
- MorganFingerprintTransformer
- MACCSKeysFingerprintTransformer
- RDKitFingerprintTransformer
- AtomPairFingerprintTransformer
- TopologicalTorsionFingerprintTransformer
- MHFingerprintTransformer
- SECFingerprintTransformer
- AvalonFingerprintTransformer
- Conversions
- SmilesToMol
- Standardizer
- Standardizer
- Utilities
- CheckSmilesSanitazion
Users can install latest tagged release from pip
pip install scikit-mol
Bleeding edge
pip install git+
There are a collection of notebooks in the notebooks directory which demonstrates some different aspects and use cases
Integrated hyperparameter tuning of Scikit-Learn estimator and Scikit-Mol transformer
Using parallel execution to speed up descriptor and fingerprint calculations
Testing different fingerprints as part of the hyperparameter optimization
We also put a software note on ChemRxiv.
There are more information about how to contribute to the project in
Probably still, please check issues at GitHub and report there
- Esben Jannik Bjerrum @ebjerrum,
- Carmen Esposito @cespos
- Son Ha,
- Oh-hyeon Choung,
- Andreas Poehlmann, @ap--
- Ya Chen, @anya-chen
- Rafał Bachorz @rafalbachorz
- Adrien Chaton @adrienchaton
- @VincentAlexanderScholz
- @RiesBen