Team repository for Robocup Junior Lightweight Australia 2024
- Members: Isabelle Tang (Captain), Ryan Beikrasouli (Programmer), Cruz Barry-Hardy (3D Designer), Albie Gardiner (3D Designer)
- State: Western Australia
- School: Rossmoyne Senior High School
We use C++ in ArduinoIDE to program our microcontroller (Teensy 4.1). (See code-explanations) We also use Raspberry Pi Pico as part of our line sensor.
We design our parts in Fusion360. (See mechanical design/) All parts are printed in PLA.
We design our PCBs in KiCAD 7.0 and order from JLCPCB. (See pcbs/). The schematics are based on circuits we tested using breadboards.
All designs are original other than the BBR IR Seeker