an iaas independent plugable executable to install bosh, cloud configs and product deployments
What is OMG (
omg is a cli tool. It natively allows users to:
- spin up a bosh on a target iaas,
- load it up with a cloud config
- deploy 'products' via their new bosh (vault, cloudfoundry, concourse, etc)
plugins are your way of extending omg, providing a deployment definition or cloud config definition. instead of dealing with yaml or tiles, we build testable plugins using enaml
and simply register them with omg.
download a bundled plugin from a omg release or build your own
available plugin types are cloudconfig
or product
for more info about how to build a plugin take a look at one of the bundled plugins (ie.
currently uses pluginlib v1 w/ protocol version 2. will not work with plugins prior to version 1.
composes bosh-init, enaml and plugins to create a simple cli installer
- omg/cloudconfig (
- omg-cli (azure, gcp, vsphere, aws, photon)
- product plugins (
- vault, concourse, pcf, redis, docker
check the bosh docs to setup your vpc (
# download omg cli
$> wget -O omg && chmod +x omg
# the below dependencies only apply if you are looking to install a BOSH Director with omg-cli
$> sudo apt-get update
$> sudo apt-get install -y build-essential zlibc zlib1g-dev ruby ruby-dev openssl libxslt-dev libxml2-dev libssl-dev libreadline6 libreadline6-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3
$> xcode-select --install
$> brew install openssl
# deploy your bosh using the omg cli
$> ./omg aws \
--mode uaa \
--aws-subnet subnet-xxxxxxxxxxx \
--bosh-public-ip x.x.x.x \
--aws-pem-path ~/bosh.pem \
--aws-access-key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
--aws-secret xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
--aws-instance-size t2.micro \
--aws-region us-east-1 \
--aws-availability-zone us-east-1c
instructions on how to install BOSH on other supported iaas can be found by:
$> ./omg azure --help
$> ./omg aws --help
$> ./omg vsphere --help
$> ./omg photon --help
$> ./omg gcp --help
# download cloudconfig plugin for aws
$> wget
# register the cloud config plugin for your iaas
$> ./omg register-plugin \
-type cloudconfig \
-pluginpath aws-cloudconfigplugin-osx
# to see your newly added plugin
$> ./omg list-cloudconfigs
Cloud Configs:
aws - .plugins/cloudconfig/aws-cloudconfigplugin-osx - map[]
# upload cloud config
$> ./omg deploy-cloudconfig \
--bosh-url --bosh-port 25555 \
--bosh-user admin --bosh-pass admin --ssl-ignore \
aws-cloudconfigplugin-osx \
--az z1 \
--az z2 \
--aws-availablity-zone us-east-1a \
--aws-availablity-zone us-east-1b \
--network-name-1 deployment \
--network-az-1 z1 \
--network-cidr-1 \
--network-gateway-1 \
--network-dns-1 \
--network-reserved-1 \
--network-static-1 \
--aws-subnet-name-1 subnet-1 \
--aws-security-group-1 sg-1234
--network-name-2 deployment \
--network-az-2 z2 \
--network-cidr-2 \
--network-gateway-2 \
--network-dns-2 \
--network-reserved-2 \
--network-static-2 \
--aws-subnet-name-2 subnet-2 \
--aws-security-group-2 sg-1234
for information on other options and flags:
$> ./omg deploy-cloudconfig aws-cloudconfigplugin-osx --help
tips & tricks
- set
for verbose output - adding the
flag with the bosh creds will simply print the manifest you are about to deploy
deploy a concourse
# download concourse product plugin
$> wget
# register concourse product plugin
$> ./omg register-plugin -type product -pluginpath concourse-plugin-osx
# please only upload your releases and stemcells manually if your deployment does not use remote urls
# otherwise this will be automatically uploaded via omg-cli
# deploy your concourse
$> ./omg deploy-product \
--bosh-url --bosh-port 25555 --bosh-user admin \
--bosh-pass admin --ssl-ignore \
concourse-plugin-osx \
--web-vm-type small \
--worker-vm-type small \
--database-vm-type small \
--network-name private \
--url \
--username concourse \
--password concourse \
--web-instances 1 \
--web-azs us-east-1c \
--worker-azs us-east-1c \
--database-azs us-east-1c \
--bosh-stemcell-alias trusty \
--postgresql-db-pwd secret \
--database-storage-type medium