HAPROXY Enaml Plugin for OMG
# download the omg-cli which is used to run plugins
# please be sure to swap osx for linux if that is the system you intend to run
# this on
$ wget -O omg https://github.com/enaml-ops/omg-cli/releases/download/v1.0.3/omg-osx && chmod +x omg
# download the plugin. feel free to swap the version for your desired version
$ wget -O haproxy https://github.com/enaml-ops/haproxy-plugin/releases/download/v0.0.6/haproxy-plugin-osx
# register the plugin in omg-cli client
$ ./omg register-plugin --type product --pluginpath haproxy
# list registered plugins to show registration was successfull
$ ./omg list-products
# output deploy-product arguments for targetting a bosh
$ ./omg deploy-product --help
# output deploy-product commands for the haproxy product
$ ./omg deploy-product haproxy --help
# to deploy haproxy or print the manifest a command like the following would be used
$ ./omg deploy-product \
--bosh-url "https://xx.xxx.x.xx" \
--bosh-port 25555 \
--bosh-user director \
--bosh-pass password \
--ssl-ignore \
--print-manifest \
haproxy \
--deployment-name haproxy \
--vm-type Standard_F1s \
--network-name ert-network \
--stemcell-name ubuntu-trusty \
--stemcell-alias trusty \
--stemcell-ver 3232.17 \
--haproxy-release-ver latest \
--haproxy-release-url https://bosh.io/d/github.com/cloudfoundry-community/haproxy-boshrelease?v=8.0.9 \
--haproxy-release-sha 13598c70a50f8caf95d06782d67610daede8aeb9 \
--gorouter-ip xx.xxx.x.xx \
--haproxy-ip xx.xxx.x.xx \
--haproxy-ip xx.xxx.x.xx \
--cert-filepath certs/apps01.DOMAIN.chain.pem \
--trusted-domain-cidr "xx.xxx.x.0/23"
- using the
flag will simply output the generated manifest to stdout