This package provides nullable Go types for bool, float64, int64, int32, string and time.Time replacing sql.NullString, sql.NullInt64, ... that can be marshalled/unmarshalled to/from JSON.
To install "null", run go get within your project:
go get
Note that from 1.3 on "null" requires Go version 1.13 or newer.
Here is a short example demonstrating the string type. The other types (int64, float64 and bool) work in the same manner.
package main
import (
type NullableString struct {
Value null.String `json:"value"`
func main() {
str := NullableString{null.NewString("nullable string", true)}
// or long version: str := NullableString{null.String{sql.NullString{String: "nullable string", Valid: true}}}
data, _ := json.Marshal(str)
fmt.Println(string(data)) // -> {"value": "nullable"}
str.SetNil() // use str.SetValid("value") to set a value again
data, _ = json.Marshal(str)
fmt.Println(string(data)) // -> {"value": null}