A Golang data structure that preserves insertion order while behaving like a standard map, similar to LinkedHashMap in Java.
- Maintains key insertion order
- Supports JSON serialization/deserialization
package main
import (
"encoding/json" // or any other lib of your choice
func main() {
// Create a new OrderedMap
om := orderedmap.New[string, int]()
// Insert key-value pairs
om.Set("a", 1)
om.Set("b", 2)
om.Set("c", 3)
// Retrieve values
val := om.GetOrDefault("b") // Returns 2
// Get all keys in insertion order
keys := om.Keys()
fmt.Println(keys) // Output: [a b c]
// Delete a key
// Serialize to JSON
jsonData, _ := json.Marshal(om)
fmt.Println(string(jsonData)) // Output: {"a":1,"c":3}
// Deserialize from JSON
json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"x": 100, "y": 200}`), &om)
// Print updated map
fmt.Println(om.Keys()) // Output: [x y]
- Not optimized for concurrent access, use sync.Mutex if needed.
go test
This project was created for fun and as a simple exercise.
If you plan to use it in production environment, please do so at your own risk.