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Image selection plugin for Annotator.js

annotator-imgselect is developed for Annotator 2.x.


View a simple demo of annotator-imgselect.


annotator-imgselect is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License.


##Using annotator-imgselect To use this plugin in your Annotator project, include the required javascript and css, and initialize it as an annotator module with a configuration of the image elements that can be selected for annotation.

See installation instructions for more details.

Placement of the image highlights currently requires that images be placed inside a parent element that can be used to contain and position highlights. See the demo for examples.

##Technical details

Image annotations are created with an empty quote and XPath DOM range (since no text is quoted and no DOM element precisely is selected), and makes use of the flexible extra data allowed for in annotations to add an image_selection entry with src and full uri to identify the image being annotated, along with percentage based width, height, and x and y coordinates to identify the portion of the image being annotated.

Image selection is on the roadmap to be natively supported in annotator.js, but this plugin was created in order to support image annotation in the meantime with the hope that eventually image annotations could be migrated to whatever format is determined for storing image annotations.

Developer Notes

This project uses git-flow branching conventions. Pull requests should be made against the develop branch for easiest integration.

To view the jekyll site for development, you should do the following:

  • make sure you are on the develop branch
  • make sure you have jekyll installed
  • run the site via jekyll: jekyll serve

To install grunt utilities for building a release, run npm install.

Released versions are published through GitHub site pages, which are served out from the gh-pages branch. Following git-flow conventions, this should be an exact replica of the master branch. As a convenience, to update the gh-pages branch from master and push it to github, you may want to configure the following alias in your .git/config for this project:

    publish-pages = "!rm -rf build && git checkout gh-pages && git merge master && grunt && git add 'build/*' && git commit 'build/*' -m 'Latest build' && git push origin gh-pages && git checkout -"

Whenever you tag a new release you want to be available as a version that can be included from the github pages url, you should also do the following:

  • update the version number in package.json
  • checkout gh-pages branch and run grunt
  • add the build version of annotator.imgselect.min.js to gh-pages branch