Simple RESTful API to create, read, update and delete books. No database implementation yet
# Install mux router
go get -u
go build
I think after this experiment, the Golan is just Bullshit HHH.
friends, please keep using PHP or Django or nodeTs
GET api/books
GET api/book/{id}
DELETE api/book/{id}
POST api/book
# Request sample
# {
# "isbn":"89",
# "title":"Book Three",
# "author":{"firstname":"Elteyab", "lastname":"Ali"}
# }
PUT api/book/{id}
# Request sample
# {
# "isbn":"89",
# "title":"Updated Title",
# "author":{"firstname":"Elteyab", "lastname":"Hassan"}
# }
## App Info
### Author
Elteyab Hassan
### Version
### License
This project is licensed under the BSD License