The effortless way to test WebRTC compliance, prevent Karoshi with KITE!
See LICENSE for licensing.
- Install the browsers you would like to test, available for your machine. Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari are supported at this stage. See the wiki for some limitations or hints for each browser.
- Make sure you have a recent Java JDK installed, at least Java 8 (e.g. from Java SE downloads). Sometimes it might be neccessary to set JAVA_HOME and add it to PATH for java to work properly.
Create a new working directory and move in there.
Download the corresponding webdrivers on the root of a new working directory:
- Download the latest chrome webdriver,
- Download the latest firefox webdriver,
- On Windows, download the latest edge webdriver,
Download Selenium Server Standalone in the same folder
Enable the 'Allow Remote Automation' option in Safari's Develop menu to control Safari via WebDriver.
Run this command , don't stop it until testing session has finished. Also make sure that you have Firefox and Chrome already installed on your testing machine.
On Linux and Mac run:
java -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver=./geckodriver -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.x.x.jar
On Windows run:
java -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver=./geckodriver.exe -Dwebdriver.edge.driver=./MicrosoftWebDriver.exe -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.x.x.jar
specifies the path to the webdriver executable matching the browser xxxx (possible values of xxxx are: gecko, chrome, edge, safari ...).- Depending on platform and the testing needs, command line can include one, two or the three drivers
Build uses maven tool. Installable maven packages are available for common platforms, see link for manual installation.
- Build and install running the command
mvn clean install
If mvn (maven) is not recognisable by the system, you might need to set MAVEN_HOME and add it to PATH.
If selenium is not running (step mentioned above), build will fail, as KITE-AppRTC-Test includes a Junit test that requires local selenium.
Since the SimulcastTest is included, it requires its own server to be running. To start the server, go into the directory KITE-Multi-Simul-cast-Test/server/simulcast and run:
npm install
npm run build-client
MEDIA_SERVER_IP=localhost npm start
- Since the NoAdapterTest is included, it requires its own server to be running. To start the server, go into the directory KITE-NoAdapter-Test/server and run:
npm install && npm start
- Since the MulticastTest is included, it requires its own server to be running. To start the server, go into the directory KITE-Multi-Simul-cast-Test/server/multi-stream and run:
npm install && npm start
These servers listen to port 8081, 8083, 8085 respectively.
You can skip all tests (not recommended) running maven with -DskipTests.
mvn -DskipTests clean install
Download compressed tomcat distribution, (version 8.5.20 at time of this writing) []
Unzip/extract anywhere.
file toapache-tomcat-8.5.20/webapps
- If the file
doesn't exist, rerun the build (previous step)
- Start tomcat:
Windows | Linux / Mac |
cd apache-tomcat-8.5.20\bin | cd apache-tomcat-8.5.20/bin |
startup | ./ run |
* if you cannot execute
, try sudo chmod 777
** if ./ run
says permission denied
, try running it with sudo.
Now open a browser and access the following URL http://localhost:8080/kiteweb
When test session finishes, stop tomcat:
Windows | Linux / Mac |
cd apache-tomcat-8.5.20\bin | cd apache-tomcat-8.5.20/bin |
shutdown | ./ |
You can use example configuration file ./KITE-AppRTC-Test/configs/local.config.json
as starting point.
Read below about the configuration file, check that the desired browsers listed in your configuration file are available in your system.
The example local.config.json file is almost the simplest config file you can get (Change the version of browsers to the appropriated one that you have installed on your testing machine):
"name": "local selenium example",
"callback": "http://localhost:8080/kiteweb/datacenter",
"remotes": [
"type": "local",
"remoteAddress": "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"
"tests": [
"name": "IceConnectionTest",
"tupleSize": 2,
"noOfThreads": 4,
"description": "This test check the ICEConnection state between two browsers communicating via",
"testImpl": ""
"browsers": [
"browserName": "chrome",
"version": "65",
"platform": "MAC"
"browserName": "firefox",
"version": "59",
"platform": "LINUX"
It assumes that the dashboard runs on the same machine:
"callback": "http://localhost:8080/kiteweb/datacenter"
It registers only selenium server in the local machine:
"remotes": [
"type": "local",
"remoteAddress": "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"
It registers IceConnectionTest class as a test (this class is implemented in KITE-AppRTC-Test)
"tests": [
"name": "IceConnectionTest",
"tupleSize": 2,
"noOfThreads": 4,
"description": "This test check the ICEConnection state between two browsers communicating via",
"testImpl": ""
It requests for firefox and chrome. Version and platform are required fields. Version and platform actually used in the tests will be reported in the result, and will appear in the dashboard.
Sample config files in KITE-AppRTC-Test/configs
contain different examples with different browser, version and platform configuration, take a look
"browsers": [
"browserName": "chrome",
"version": "63",
"platform": "MAC"
"browserName": "firefox",
"version": "57",
"platform": "LINUX"
"browserName": "safari",
"version": "11",
"platform": "MAC"
"browserName": "MicrosoftEdge",
"version": "16.16299",
"platform": "WINDOWS"
Execute the following command in the working directory, the last argument specifies the configuration file specifying the tests:
On Linux and Mac run:
java -cp KITE-Engine/target/kite-jar-with-dependencies.jar:KITE-AppRTC-Test/target/apprtc-test-1.0.jar org.webrtc.kite.Engine PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE
On Windows run:
java -cp KITE-Engine/target/kite-jar-with-dependencies.jar;KITE-AppRTC-Test/target/apprtc-test-1.0.jar org.webrtc.kite.Engine PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE
Since the h264 plugin for firefox is only installed after the browser has already been opened, it will be too late to use (results in failed/timeout tests between firefox and safari). You can use the minimal firefox profiles provided in folder 'third_party'. All you need to do is specify the location of the profile folder:
java -Dkite.firefox.profile=/PATH/TO/firefox-h264-profiles/FOLDER/ -cp KITE-Engine/target/kite-jar-with-dependencies.ja...
Check the dashboard for the results and reports.
If you have followed steps above, that's http://localhost:8080/kiteweb.
KITE-Dashboard can be setup on any machine as described in previous section, you will need to change the callback url in your config file accordingly.
SauceLabs, BrowserStack and TestingBot have been tested and are supported.
See example files in KITE-AppRTC-Test/configs
mixing different hosted test services.
Complete the fields username and accesskey appropriately.
- Don't forget to modify the example browsers, versions and platforms to suit your needs.