Solr is the popular, blazing fast open source enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project.
This is a pre-packaged Solr version with Lithuanian language support from zmedelis/ltlangpack.
- Download.
- Edit
(see "Configuration" below). - Run:
java -jar start.jar
- Open http://localhost:8983/solr/admin in your browser
- Java
You should first of all configure the fields for the documents in the database. Fields are defined in file solr/conf/schema.xml
. Look for <field .../>
tags and change them according to your needs.
You will probably have to remove a lot of fields from the default schema.xml
included with Solr. To ease this process I have added a schema-minimal.xml
file which holds just a few field definitions useful for indexing web pages. To use it backup schema.xml
and copy schema-minimal.xml
on top of it.
The default field type for indexing Lithuanian text is text_lt
. You can also define your own field types in the same schema.xml
After playing with the server for some time you will notice that sometimes searches return too many results with words that are too dissimilar to words in your query. This happens because the Lithuanian stemmer cuts off too many characters from the end of the word. To help cope with this you can use solr/conf/protwords_lt.txt
and solr/conf/synonyms_lt.txt
to write the exact cases for problematic words. See the examples in these files for more info.
If you add your own words to these files, please send a patch, so that we all can benefit from this.
contains a good list of short words (like "ir","šis","tačiau") that are useless when searching. They are ommitted from index and ignored in query text.
The default port for Solr server is 8983 to change it edit this line in etc/jetty.xml
(check for duplicates):
<Set name="port"><SystemProperty name="jetty.port" default="8983"/></Set>
Note: these exapmles use JSON format for data. You can also use XML and other formats that Solr supports.
Posting data to server (assuming fields id,url,title,text are defined in schema.xml):
curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/update/json?commit=true' \
-H 'Content-type:application/json' \
-d '{"id":1, "url":"", "title":"Pavyzdys", "text":"Pavyzdinis dokumentas."}'
Getting search results:
curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/search' \
-d wt=json \
-d hl=true -d hl.fl=text \
-d q=pavyzdys
You can use your browser to see what results you will get using various HTTP parameters. The query above can be used like this:
http://localhost:8983/solr/search?wt=json&hl=true&hl.fl=text&q=pavyzdys or to get XML: http://localhost:8983/solr/search?hl=true&hl.fl=text&q=pavyzdys
From my experience it is easier to strip HTML tags and send plain text to Solr for indexing than try to convert HTML to an XML that Solr would accept.
You can limit the amount of memory the server uses by passing java executable some parameters, e.g.:
java -Xmx256m -jar start.jar
this should keep the server from using more than 300 MB of memory.
Apache Solr is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.
- Apache Foundation and its contributors.
- Žygimantas Medelis, M. Petkevičius, Tomas Krilavičius for Snowball version of Porter stemmer for Lithuanian language.
Emilis Dambauskas,