First of all install Rabbit. If you are using docker you can just do
docker run -d --name gaia-rabbit -p 15672:15672 -p 4369:4369 -p 5671:5671 -p 5672:5672 -p 15671:15671 -p 25672:25672 rabbitmq:3-management
This image comes with the management plugin installed. You can see what happens inside rabbitmq entering http://localhost:15672/
. Auth by default guest:guest
After that clone the repo:
git clone
cd rabbit-nodejs-example
This repo is composed of 3 different node processes, therefore you have to install the dependencies in all of them
cd consumer && npm i && cd ../ddos && npm i && cd ../sender && npm i && cd ..
In order to execute this example you have to run the services in this order:
It is a very simple server with only one endpoint that emit to a queue when it is called
Run it with node index.js
It is a very simple process that is simply waiting for something to arrive in the queue that is listening
Run it with node index.js
If you want to try, you can launch this process simultaneously as many times as you want to see how rabbit distributes the work among the different consumers.
This script calls an endpoint in loop.
Run it with node index.js 1000
where 1000 is the frequency with which you will call that endpoint