(c) Author: Sophia Burke, Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA
This project is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (cc-by-4.0) license
Please contact Sophia Burke, sophia.burke@unh.edu or sophieaburke@gmail.com with questions regarding data usage.
The purpose of this repository is to share source code and datafiles used for statistical analysis and figure creation for the Burke et al. manuscript entitled 'Connecting Methane Ebullition Flux to Thaw Pond size using Unpiloted Aerial Systems'.
This repository contains the following files {a short description of their use}:
- Burkeetal_ThawPondRSPaper_Rcode.R {this is a script file containing code to conduct statistical analysis and figure curation for the manuscript}
2.) Burkeetal_ThawPondRSPaper_SupplementaryFluxCalculations.R {this is a script file}
3.) StordalenMire_ThawPond_UASPolygons_2014to2018.csv {this is a data file from which the Burkeetal_ThawPondRSPaper_Rcode.R and the Burkeetal_ThawPondRSPaper_SupplementaryFluxCalculations.R draw from}
4.) StordalenMire_ThawPond_UASPolygons_2014to2018.txt {this is a ReadMe file that provides details about the data collection and format of the .csv file with the matching name}
5.) StordalenMire_ThawPond_DailyAvgBubbleFlux_2012-2018.csv {this is a data file from which the Burkeetal_ThawPondPaper_SupplementaryFluxCalculations.R draws from}
6.) StordalenMire_ThawPond_DailyAvgBubbleFlux_2012-2018.txt {this is a ReadMe file that provides details about the data collection and format of the .csv file with the matching name}