This plugin check Elasticsearch query total documents. It is aimed to work with Energy Logserver, OP5 Log Analytics, CyberX and is supposed to work with opensource Elasticsearch and x-pack.
Dependencies for Centos 7:
# yum install perl-Monitoring-Plugin perl-libwww-perl perl-LWP-Protocol-https perl-JSON perl-String-Escape perl-Data-Dumper perl-File-Slurp
$ ./ -U|--url=<url> -i|--index=<index>
[ -q|--query=<lucene query> ]
[ -j|--json]
[ -S|--search=<saved search> ]
[ -T|--timerange=<lte:gte> ]
[--timefield=<time field> ]
[ -D|--documents=<number of latest documents to show> ]
[ -f|--fields=<fields to show> ]
[ -l|--length=<max field length> ]
[ -N|--name=<output string> ]
[ -k|--insecure ]
[ --credentials=<path to file> ]
[ --hidecurly ]
[ -c|--critical=<critical threshold> ]
[ -w|--warning=<warning threshold> ]
[ -t <timeout>]
[ -v|--verbose ]
Usage examples
Total documents in 'beats*' index for latest 24 hours. Latest 24 hours is default time range.
./ -U 'http://user:password@localhost:9200' -i 'beats*'
Execute saved search named protection for latest 15 minutes. By default it checks @timestamp field, you can change it in --timefield option.
./ -U 'http://user:password@localhost:9200' -i 'beats*' -S 'protection' -T 'now:now-15m'
As above plus show one latest document.
./ -U 'http://user:password@localhost:9200' -i 'beats*' -S 'protection' -T 'now:now-15m' -D 1
As above plus filter output to selected fields.
./ -U 'http://user:password@localhost:9200' -i 'beats*' -S 'protection' -T 'now:now-15m' -D 1 -f message,timestamp
As above plus limit output fields value to 100 characters.
./ -U 'http://user:password@localhost:9200' -i 'beats*' -S 'protection' -T 'now:now-15m' -D 1 -f message,timestamp -l 100
Execute lucene query.
./ -U 'http://user:password@localhost:9200' -i 'beats*' -q '' -T 'now:now-15m' -D 1 -f message,timestamp
Execute json query. Time range option wouldn't work. You should define time range in query.
./ -U 'http://user:password@localhost:9200' -i 'beats*' -j -q ' { "size": 0, "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "query_string": { "query": "task:\"Special Logon\"", "analyze_wildcard": true, "default_field": "*" } }, { "range": { "@timestamp": { "gte": "now-1d/d", "lte": "now/d" } } } ] } } } '
Date match format for timerange option:
Timerange examples:
-T 'now/h:now-1h/h'
- events from latest hour rounded to 0 minute. When you check at 15:50 then it check 14:00-15:00.
-T 'now:now-1h'
- events from latest hour. When you check at 15:50 then it check 14:50-15:50.
-T 'now:now-1h'
- events from latest hour. When you check at 15:50 then it check 14:50-15:50.
-T '1540482600:1540479000'
- events in defined time range.
Default is 'now/now-1d'
- events from latest 24 hours (1 day).