##About A C library for Working easily With Datasets. <br> It provides functions in order to extract data from a csv file and to performs some useful operations such as print data or put data into a matrix. It also makes possible to work only on a part of data. <br> Version: 1.0 <br>
It cointains: <br>
- libwwd.c: source file which contains the main functions of the library <br>
- libwwd.h: header file<br>
- example.c: file which contain a simple example of use <br>
- dataset_iris.csv: famous iris dataset created by R.A. Fisher (more info - - - about:https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Irs)
- Compile it (i.e.: $ gcc -o driver example.c libwwd.c) <br>
- Execute it (i.e.: $ ./driver dataset_iris.csv) <br>
##Notes It supports CSV files with only numerics values separated by comma, but the code can be easily extented in order to support other delimitators. <br>
============================================= ##Author Emanuele Pesce <br>
For each suggestion or contribution don't hesitate to contact me.