I have been fascinated by computing since I was a child and currently I have dedicated myself to becoming a fullstack dev, studying new technologies such as Node js, Typscript, ApiRest and working in the area of Systems Development
- [Backend] - https://github.com/emanueleborges/springboot-crud-advanced - Backend: Java Springboot
- [Backend] - https://github.com/emanueleborges/cielo2 - Backend: Java Springboot
- [Frontend] () - https://github.com/emanueleborges/cielo2 - Frontend: React js
- [Backend] - https://github.com/emanueleborges/desafio-nestjs - Backend: Nest js
- [Frontend] () - https://github.com/emanueleborges/vue-crud-api - Frontend: Vue js
- [Backend] - Node js, Sequelize, Clean Code,
- [Frontend] - Frontend: Angular
- [Frontend] e [Backend] http://github.com/emanueleborges/fpftech-projetofinal
Projeto Final de Conclusão de Curso/Treinamento - 2022 - Api Rest - Eldorado Tech Training 2º edição
- [Backend] - Node js, Mysql, Jwt, Bcript, Sequelize
- [Frontend] - Angular, Bootstrap
- [Frontend] e [Backend] https://github.com/emanueleborges/eldorado-projetofinal