GNU Licensed compiler for the Ellipsis ('elp) language, very much a work in progress programming language inspired by the likes of modern; platform-specific, UI languages and tools such as Swift UI and Jetpack Compose. Compiles to native binaries for Android, iOS, Mac, Windows and Linux and html/css/javascript for the web.
Originally I was calling it ellipsis, for no other reason than I thought it sounded cool but it evolved into 'elp which is a slang/colloquialism for "help" here in England.
Targeting a device with a CLI, we can simply println("hello world")
in our main function.
import { println } from "elp/stdio"
fn main {
println("hello world")
import { App, Window } from "elp/app"
import { Column, Row, Text } from "elp/app/components"
export fn HelloWorld -> App {
App {
Window {
Column {
Row {
Text("Hello World")
More complete examples can be found in the examples folder.