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adding version that doesn't use the command line
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elliewix committed Mar 28, 2019
1 parent 31c8462 commit 55ec22c
Showing 1 changed file with 232 additions and 0 deletions.
232 changes: 232 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
from __future__ import division
# command line prompt
# python -[mh][source folder of data] [target folder for profiles]
# -m make markdown
# -h make html

import os
from os.path import isfile, join
import csv
import datetime
import glob
# import markdown # removed html output for now
import sys
import json
from pathlib import Path

# this wasn't being used!!!!!!
# def getFiles(path):
# """Function to return a list of all files within a folder"""
# files = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if isfile(join(path, f)) and f[0] != '.']
# p = Path(path)
# print(glob.glob(p.read_text() / "*"))
# print('hello')
# return files

def basic_stats(file):
stats = os.stat(file)
size = stats.st_size
last_modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(stats.st_mtime).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
last_access = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(stats.st_atime).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
return {'filename': str(file.absolute()), 'size': size, 'last_access': last_access, 'last_modified': last_modified}

def review_csv(file, mode='rt', headers=True, index_row=True, missing=''):
with open(file, mode) as fin:
fin = csv.reader(fin)
if headers:
col_names = next(fin)
data = [r for r in fin]
data = [r for r in fin]

if index_row:
ids = [r[0] for r in data]
ids = "None declared"

num_rows = len(data)
data = list(map(list, zip(*data)))

num_columns = len(col_names)
col_info = {'csv_basic': {'num_rows': num_rows, 'num_columns': num_columns, 'missing': missing}, 'cols': {}}
for i, col in enumerate(col_names):

info = {}
num_uniques = len(set(data[i]))
info['unique_values'] = str(num_uniques) + " (this includes missing values)"
if num_uniques <= 10:
uvals = set(data[i])
uval_print = []
for x in uvals:
if x == missing:
uval_print.append("[missing code]")
uval_print.sort() # sorting unique values for pretty printing
info['unique_value_content'] = "The values are:\n\t* " + "\n\t* ".join(uval_print)
info['unique_value_content'] = "Not reported (More than 10 unique values)"
info['missing'] = data[i].count(missing)
info['percent_missing'] = "{:.0%}".format(info['missing'] / len(data[i]))
# digits = len([d for d in data[i] if d.isdigit()])
# dcount = 0
passed_digits = []
for d in data[i]:
d = float(d)
# dcount += 1
# this is fine becasue this is simply testing
# if it can be done at all
# stop fretting, elizabeth.
pass # passed_digits.append('failed to convert to float')
digits = len(passed_digits)
totalvalues = len([d for d in data[i] if len(d) > 0])

if totalvalues == 0:
info['percent_digit'] = "no digits"
info['percent_digit'] = "{:.0%}".format(digits / totalvalues)

if digits > 0:
# digit_values = [float(d) for d in data[i] if d.isdigit()]
info['min_digit'] = min(passed_digits)
info['max_digit'] = max(passed_digits)
info['min_digit'] = "no digits"
info['max_digit'] = "no digits"
if headers:
col_info['cols'][col] = info
col_info['cols']['col_' + str(i)] = info
return col_info

def make_md(file_name, file_data, headers, target):
# print(file_name, headers, target)
dt = '{:%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(
md = ""
md += "Data Profile for " + + "\n\n"
md += "Generated on: " + dt + "\n"
md += "\n\n"
basic = file_data['csv_basic']
md += "* Number of columns: " + str(basic['num_columns']) + "\n"
md += "* Number of rows: " + str(basic['num_rows']) + "\n"
if basic['missing'] == '':
missing_print = "(empty string)"
missing_print = basic['missing']
md += "* Using missing value of: " + missing_print + "\n"
md += "\n"
info = [file_data['columns'] for f in file_data.keys()][0]
for key in headers:
data = info[key]
md += "**" + key + "**" + "\n"
md += "-" * (len(key) + 2) + "\n"
md += "* Description of column: (you fill in)\n"
md += "* Collection methods: (you fill in)\n"
md += "* Description of data values and units: (you fill in)\n"
md += "* Reason for missing values: (you fill in)\n"
# md += "\n"
for column, val in data.items(): # go through all the data info
md += "* " + column.replace('_', ' ').capitalize() + ": " + str(val) + "\n"
md += "\n"
# print file_name
write_name = file_name.stem + ''
# write_name = file_name.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_DataProfile'
# print write_name
with open(target.absolute() / write_name, 'wt') as fout:

# the html looks like crap
# with open(target + write_name + '.html', 'wt') as fout:
# fout.write(markdown.markdown(md))

def get_headers(file):
with open(file, 'rU') as fin:
fin = csv.reader(fin)
headers = next(fin)
return headers

def main(source, target, missingcode):
do_not_write = False
target = Path(target)
source = Path(source)
# if not target.is_dir():
# target += "/" # sorry windows
# files = [source + f for f in getFiles(source)]
if source.is_dir():
# if not source.endswith('/'):
# source += "/"
files = [p.absolute() for p in source.glob('*')]
num_files = len(files)
elif source.is_file():
files = [source.absolute()] # forcing this into a list of 1 so for loop works
num_files = 1

# only report out file names if there are <10 to do
if num_files < 10: # change this number if you care
print("Generating profile for: " + ", ".join([str(p) for p in files]))
print("Generating profiles for " + str(num_files) + " files")

if os.path.isdir(target): # this will not play nicely with windows...
confirm_needed = True
tstr = str(target.absolute())
while confirm_needed:
confirm_overwrite = input("\n" + tstr + " already exists. Do you want to overwrite? (Y/N)\n").upper()
if confirm_overwrite == "Y":
confirm_needed = False
print("Profiles written into " + tstr + "\n")
elif confirm_overwrite == "N":
do_not_write = True
print("Profiles not written.\n")
print("Input not understood. Please try again.")
target.mkdir() # but I can't test windows right now...
print("\n" + str(target.absolute()) + " created")
print("\nProfiles written into " + str(target.absolute()) + "\n")
all_file_data = {}

if not do_not_write:
for f in files:
f = Path(f)
if f.suffix == '.csv':
finfo = basic_stats(f)
headers = get_headers(f)
csvinfo = review_csv(f, mode='rU', missing=missingcode)
all_file_data[str(] = ({'file_metadata': finfo,
'csv_basic': csvinfo['csv_basic'],
'columns': csvinfo['cols']})
make_md(f, all_file_data[str(], headers, target)
write_name = str(target.stem + '_DataProfiles.json')
# write_name = target.split('/')[-2].split('.')[0] + '_DataProfiles.json'
with open(target.absolute() / write_name, 'wt') as jsonout:
json.dump(all_file_data, jsonout, indent=4)

if __name__ == "__main__":
# print args
# ['', 'vagrants/', 'vagrant-profiles/', '']
# usage
# python source output_folder (missing_code)
# source may be file or folder
# output must be a folder
# missing code optional, will presume empty string if not provided
source = "gendercounts.csv" # existing folder or file here
target = "gender_docs" # name the new folder where the results should go
missing_code = "missing" #provide the missing data code

# main(source, target, kind, missingcode)
main(source, target, missing_code)
# not dealing with the the mode right now, just letting it make both

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