The code in this repository is compatible with Python3.x and depends on these libraries:
- pyyaml
- numpy
- neo4j
- scikit-learn
- pandas
- scipy
- tqdm
We recommend to use a virtual environment and to install the specific versions of each library.
To install de pipeline, use the following command under the SDM directory:
$ python install
The pipeline is divided into two modules:
- the first module takes as input a (parsed) corpus, processes it and builds a GEK graph
- the second module concerns the SDM computations
$ sdm [-h] [-p {conll,stream}] -i INPUT_DIRS [INPUT_DIRS ...]
--labels LABELS
[--delimiter DELIMITER]
[--batch-size-stats BATCH_SIZE_STATS]
[--batch-size-events BATCH_SIZE_EVENTS]
[--word-thresh WORD_THRESH]
[--event-thresh EVENT_THRESH] [-s] [-e]
[--workers WORKERS [WORKERS ...]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p {conll,stream}, --pipeline {conll,stream}
type of pipeline to run
-i INPUT_DIRS [INPUT_DIRS ...], --input_dirs INPUT_DIRS [INPUT_DIRS ...]
paths to folder(s) containing corpora
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
--labels LABELS path to file for filtering pos/roles
--delimiter DELIMITER
--batch-size-stats BATCH_SIZE_STATS
--batch-size-events BATCH_SIZE_EVENTS
--word-thresh WORD_THRESH
--event-thresh EVENT_THRESH
-s flag to launch lemmas freqs extraction
-e flag to launch events freqs extraction
--workers WORKERS [WORKERS ...]
$ sdm extract-possible-relations -U bolt:// -u neo4j -p neo4j -o data/results/
$ sdm build-representations -U bolt:// -u neo4j -p neo4j -o data/results/ -r data/dataset/generated/dataset.relations -d data/dataset/generated/dataset.all -v path_to_vecs/model.txt
$ sdm compute-evaluation -d data/KS108/original/KS.csv -o data/KS108/results-w2v/ -g data/KS108/results-w2v/KS.svo.out -t ks -v ../word2vecf-SGNS-synf-d300.txt -m data/KS108/original/mapping.csv
- logger: Alexandre Kabbach