Weather Watch is a Flutter application that displays current weather information using the OpenWeatherMap API. Users must create an .env
file to store their API key in order to run the application.
- Fetches and displays current weather data based on user location
- Displays temperature in both Celsius and Fahrenheit
- Refreshes weather data on user request
- Uses state management with BLoC and Cubit
- Flutter SDK: Install Flutter
- An API key from OpenWeatherMap: Get API key
Clone the repository:
git clone cd weather_watch
Create an
file in the root of your project:WEATHER_API_KEY=your_openweathermap_api_key
Install dependencies:
flutter pub get dart run build_runner build
Run the app:
flutter run
The project follows a clean architecture structure:
├── config/
│ └── theme.dart // Application theme configuration
├── core/
│ ├── constants/ // Global constants used across the app
│ └── resources/ // Resources such as images and styles
├── weather/
│ ├── data/ // Data layer: API services, data sources, and repositories
│ ├── domain/ // Domain layer: Models and use cases
│ └── presentation/ // Presentation layer: UI, widgets, and BLoC/Cubit
├── main.dart // Entry point of the application
└── service_locator.dart // Service locator for dependency injection
To avoid exposing your API key, store it in the .env
file. This file should not be committed to version control. Add .env
to your .gitignore
# .gitignore
The app uses BLoC and Cubit for state management:
manages fetching and updating weather data.TemperatureUnitCubit
manages the state of the temperature unit toggle.
This service uses Retrofit to interact with the OpenWeatherMap API.
@RestApi(baseUrl: weatherApiUrl)
abstract class WeatherApiService {
factory WeatherApiService(Dio dio) = _WeatherApiService;
Future<HttpResponse<WeatherModel>> getWeather(
@Query("lat") double lat,
@Query("lon") double lon,
@Query("appid") String apiKey,
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE
file for more details.
For further assistance, refer to the Flutter documentation.