You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior:
As identified with @gbamparop , span documents generated by the OpenTelemetry Java SDK 1.13.0 are missing the field. It's likely to be a problem for all OpenTelemetry SDKs, not specific to the Java SDK, it's likely to be a missing enrichment of OpenTelemetry originated span documents in Elastic APM Server.
I'm going to close this as the server is working as expected. Let's discuss in a UI issue what the options are. We can always reopen this, but I can't currently see a viable option to implement it.
ESS / APM Server version (
apm-server version
Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior:
As identified with @gbamparop , span documents generated by the OpenTelemetry Java SDK 1.13.0 are missing the
field. It's likely to be a problem for all OpenTelemetry SDKs, not specific to the Java SDK, it's likely to be a missing enrichment of OpenTelemetry originated span documents in Elastic APM Server.OpenTelemetry originated span document
Expand to see OpenTelemetry originated span document
```json { "_index": ".ds-traces-apm-default-2022.05.08-000003", "_id": "ozFgGYEBURctJ-VXembL", "_version": 1, "_score": 1, "_source": { "agent": { "name": "opentelemetry/java", "version": "1.13.0" }, "data_stream.namespace": "default", "processor": { "name": "transaction", "event": "transaction" }, "data_stream.type": "traces", "labels": { "ci_pipeline_run_cause": [ "UserIdCause:admin" ], "ci_pipeline_type": "multibranch", "ci_pipeline_run_completed": "true", "ci_pipeline_run_url": "http://localhost:8080/job/ecommerce-antifraud/job/main/171/", "jenkins_version": "2.332.3", "service_namespace": "jenkins", "exception_message": "PIPELINE_FAILURE", "ci_pipeline_id": "ecommerce-antifraud/main", "process_runtime_description": "AdoptOpenJDK OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 11.0.11+9", "ci_pipeline_run_result": "FAILURE", "ci_pipeline_name": "ecommerce-antifraud » main", "jenkins_url": "http://localhost:8080/", "exception_type": "PIPELINE_FAILURE", "jenkins_opentelemetry_plugin_version": "2.6.0", "ci_pipeline_multibranch_type": "branch" }, "observer": { "hostname": "dc2df1371625", "id": "eaf3dcb9-81a3-41b5-94a4-b820fd322d9e", "ephemeral_id": "1a6a6005-e783-4147-95ff-6daf61d120fe", "type": "apm-server", "version": "8.2.0" }, "trace": { "id": "eb8f142a8ac992c5b03f21c8c654b752" }, "@timestamp": "2022-05-31T09:08:17.387Z", "ecs": { "version": "1.12.0" }, "numeric_labels": { "ci_pipeline_run_number": 171, "ci_pipeline_run_durationMillis": 59884 }, "service": { "node": { "name": "MacBook-Pro.localdomain" }, "framework": { "name": "io.jenkins.opentelemetry", "version": "2.6.0" }, "name": "jenkins", "runtime": { "name": "OpenJDK Runtime Environment", "version": "11.0.11+9" }, "language": { "name": "java" }, "version": "2.332.3" }, "data_stream.dataset": "apm", "host": { "hostname": "MacBook-Pro.localdomain", "os": { "type": "macos", "platform": "darwin", "full": "Mac OS X 11.4" }, "name": "MacBook-Pro.localdomain", "architecture": "x86_64" }, "event": { "agent_id_status": "missing", "ingested": "2022-05-31T09:09:22Z", "outcome": "failure" }, "transaction": { "result": "Error", "duration": { "us": 60307244 }, "name": "BUILD ecommerce-antifraud/main", "id": "ebfec863b0a832e0", "type": "job", "sampled": true }, "timestamp": { "us": 1653988097387278 } }, "fields": { "": [ "BUILD ecommerce-antifraud/main" ], "labels.ci_pipeline_run_completed": [ "true" ], "labels.process_runtime_description": [ "AdoptOpenJDK OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 11.0.11+9" ], "labels.ci_pipeline_run_url": [ "http://localhost:8080/job/ecommerce-antifraud/job/main/171/" ], "host.os.full": [ "Mac OS X 11.4" ], "labels.jenkins_url": [ "http://localhost:8080/" ], "host.hostname": [ "MacBook-Pro.localdomain" ], "": [ "java" ], "transaction.result": [ "Error" ], "numeric_labels.ci_pipeline_run_durationMillis": [ 59884 ], "": [ "ebfec863b0a832e0" ], "processor.event": [ "transaction" ], "": [ "opentelemetry/java" ], "": [ "MacBook-Pro.localdomain" ], "event.agent_id_status": [ "missing" ], "event.outcome": [ "failure" ], "host.os.type": [ "macos" ], "": [ "transaction" ], "": [ 60307244 ], "labels.ci_pipeline_multibranch_type": [ "branch" ], "service.runtime.version": [ "11.0.11+9" ], "data_stream.type": [ "traces" ], "host.architecture": [ "x86_64" ], "": [ 1653988097387278 ], "": [ "eaf3dcb9-81a3-41b5-94a4-b820fd322d9e" ], "labels.ci_pipeline_run_result": [ "FAILURE" ], "labels.ci_pipeline_name": [ "ecommerce-antifraud » main" ], "observer.version": [ "8.2.0" ], "ecs.version": [ "1.12.0" ], "observer.type": [ "apm-server" ], "": [ "BUILD ecommerce-antifraud/main" ], "agent.version": [ "1.13.0" ], "labels.jenkins_version": [ "2.332.3" ], "service.framework.version": [ "2.6.0" ], "": [ "MacBook-Pro.localdomain" ], "labels.ci_pipeline_run_cause": [ "UserIdCause:admin" ], "transaction.sampled": [ true ], "": [ "eb8f142a8ac992c5b03f21c8c654b752" ], "labels.ci_pipeline_id": [ "ecommerce-antifraud/main" ], "labels.ci_pipeline_type": [ "multibranch" ], "": [ "jenkins" ], "": [ "io.jenkins.opentelemetry" ], "data_stream.namespace": [ "default" ], "labels.exception_type": [ "PIPELINE_FAILURE" ], "": [ "OpenJDK Runtime Environment" ], "observer.hostname": [ "dc2df1371625" ], "labels.jenkins_opentelemetry_plugin_version": [ "2.6.0" ], "transaction.type": [ "job" ], "event.ingested": [ "2022-05-31T09:09:22.000Z" ], "@timestamp": [ "2022-05-31T09:08:17.387Z" ], "service.version": [ "2.332.3" ], "observer.ephemeral_id": [ "1a6a6005-e783-4147-95ff-6daf61d120fe" ], "host.os.platform": [ "darwin" ], "labels.exception_message": [ "PIPELINE_FAILURE" ], "data_stream.dataset": [ "apm" ], "numeric_labels.ci_pipeline_run_number": [ 171 ], "labels.service_namespace": [ "jenkins" ] } } ```Elastic APM Agent originated span document
Expand to see Elastic APM Agent originated span document
```json { "_index": "apm-7.11.0-span-000001", "_id": "omDtZncBSWNVmff8N00E", "_version": 1, "_score": 1, "_source": { "container": { "id": "cbc75e38c96c10ca9d7286efe10c43ee3525d57012a3a88fb6b01a811734c782" }, "parent": { "id": "21e4790e3944bd97" }, "kubernetes": { "pod": { "uid": "ed95bee8-0f3c-4c46-9318-97b93881dbee", "name": "checkoutservice-7b89d8664d-wjsdc" } }, "process": { "args": [ "/checkoutservice" ], "pid": 1, "title": "checkoutservice", "ppid": 0 }, "agent": { "name": "go", "version": "1.9.0" }, "processor": { "name": "transaction", "event": "span" }, "cloud": { "availability_zone": "us-central1-a", "instance": { "name": "gke-eden-3-staging-ssd-3-bc7684a4-li6q", "id": "6196144756140899491" }, "provider": "gcp", "machine": { "type": "n1-standard-16" }, "project": { "name": "elastic-product", "id": "150691754250" }, "region": "us-central1" }, "observer": { "hostname": "7bb22632d23b", "name": "instance-0000000000", "id": "37a442d8-1168-4b83-8292-d13053cc9d3f", "type": "apm-server", "ephemeral_id": "9f20e196-c0ce-4167-a059-11aa5b74536c", "version": "7.11.0", "version_major": 7 }, "trace": { "id": "0b225e23d0a705897cefcde4702d7e43" }, "@timestamp": "2021-02-03T08:05:57.847Z", "ecs": { "version": "1.6.0" }, "service": { "node": { "name": "cbc75e38c96c10ca9d7286efe10c43ee3525d57012a3a88fb6b01a811734c782" }, "environment": "prod", "name": "checkoutService", "runtime": { "name": "gc", "version": "go1.12.17" }, "language": { "name": "go", "version": "go1.12.17" }, "version": "1.6" }, "host": { "os": { "platform": "linux" }, "ip": "", "architecture": "amd64" }, "event": { "outcome": "unknown" }, "transaction": { "id": "ad73184f70fa09d1" }, "span": { "duration": { "us": 4637 }, "subtype": "grpc", "name": "/hipstershop.CartService/GetCart", "destination": { "service": { "resource": "cartservice:11000", "name": "grpc", "type": "external" } }, "id": "44bb66f578604c26", "type": "external" }, "timestamp": { "us": 1612339557847919 } }, "fields": { "": [ 1 ], "": [ "go" ], "cloud.availability_zone": [ "us-central1-a" ], "": [ "cbc75e38c96c10ca9d7286efe10c43ee3525d57012a3a88fb6b01a811734c782" ], "": [ "ad73184f70fa09d1" ], "processor.event": [ "span" ], "": [ "go" ], "event.outcome": [ "unknown" ], "cloud.region": [ "us-central1" ], "process.ppid": [ 0 ], "": [ "transaction" ], "service.runtime.version": [ "go1.12.17" ], "": [ "44bb66f578604c26" ], "span.type": [ "external" ], "host.architecture": [ "amd64" ], "": [ 1612339557847919 ], "cloud.provider": [ "gcp" ], "cloud.machine.type": [ "n1-standard-16" ], "": [ "37a442d8-1168-4b83-8292-d13053cc9d3f" ], "observer.version": [ "7.11.0" ], "observer.type": [ "apm-server" ], "ecs.version": [ "1.6.0" ], "": [ "21e4790e3944bd97" ], "agent.version": [ "1.9.0" ], "": [ "grpc" ], "process.title": [ "checkoutservice" ], "span.destination.service.type": [ "external" ], "": [ "/hipstershop.CartService/GetCart" ], "": [ "instance-0000000000" ], "": [ "cbc75e38c96c10ca9d7286efe10c43ee3525d57012a3a88fb6b01a811734c782" ], "kubernetes.pod.uid": [ "ed95bee8-0f3c-4c46-9318-97b93881dbee" ], "": [ "elastic-product" ], "host.ip": [ "" ], "": [ "6196144756140899491" ], "": [ "0b225e23d0a705897cefcde4702d7e43" ], "": [ 4637 ], "": [ "checkoutservice-7b89d8664d-wjsdc" ], "service.environment": [ "prod" ], "": [ "checkoutService" ], "": [ "gc" ], "process.args": [ "/checkoutservice" ], "span.subtype": [ "grpc" ], "observer.version_major": [ 7 ], "observer.hostname": [ "7bb22632d23b" ], "@timestamp": [ "2021-02-03T08:05:57.847Z" ], "service.version": [ "1.6" ], "observer.ephemeral_id": [ "9f20e196-c0ce-4167-a059-11aa5b74536c" ], "host.os.platform": [ "linux" ], "service.language.version": [ "go1.12.17" ], "span.destination.service.resource": [ "cartservice:11000" ], "": [ "150691754250" ], "": [ "gke-eden-3-staging-ssd-3-bc7684a4-li6q" ] } } ```The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: