AutoPBW is a desktop client for PBW used to upload and download game files for Space Empires and other turn-based strategy games supported by the website. It's a (hopefully more user friendly) replacement for both SJ's autohost and se5a's autoclient
- Download turns (.gam files) from PBW and launch games immediately or later
- Upload turns (.plr files) to PBW
- Automatically process turns for games you host or have been invited as a guest autohost user
- Minimize to system tray with notifications when new turns are ready
- Go straight to the PBW website with one click
- Preconfigured with settings for a variety of commonly used game engines and mods (you'll need to manually configure any others you want to use)
AutoPBW requires Windows 7/8/8.1/10 to run due to using .NET 5 and WPF.