net.cgrand.regex-cljs is a clojurescript port of
net.cgrand.regex which is a Clojure notation (DSL) for regexes.
Regexes are already a DSL of their own but a write-only DSL.
This DSL allows to reuse regexes or parts of them and also adds support for named groups.
This project started as a toy/lab for the DSL course at Conj Labs Brussels back in June 2010.
(def datestamp-re (let [d {\0 \9}] (regex [d d d d :as :year] \- [d d :as :month] \- [d d :as :day]))) regex=> (exec datestamp-re "2007-10-23") {:day "23", :month "10", :year "2007", nil "2007-10-23"} regex=> (exec datestamp-re "20X7-10-23") nil