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Komersyo - tagalog word for Commerce.

Demo video Access the client app via and the admin app via


  • Docker
  • PHP 8.2
  • Composer
  • Node.js

Tools and Libraries used

  • Vue.js - Javascript Framework
  • Vuetify - Vue.js UI Library
  • Vercel - Vercel is the platform for frontend developers, providing the speed and reliability innovators need to create at the moment of inspiration.
  • Pinia - Pinia is a new state management library that helps you manage and store reactive data and state across your components in your Vue. js application.
  • Laravel Breeze - a minimal, simple implementation of all of Laravel's authentication logic features, including login, registration, password reset, email verification, and password confirmation. In addition, Breeze includes a simple "profile" page where the user may update their name, email address, and password.
  • Laravel Passport - provides a full OAuth2 server implementation for your Laravel application in a matter of minutes.
  • Laravel Sail - This project uses Laravel Sail to manage its local development stack. For more detailed usage instructions take a look at
    the official documentation.


Start the development server

Instructions: composer install php artisan migrate --seed php artisan passport:install ./vendor/bin/sail up

You can also use the -d option, to start the server in
the background if you do not care about the logs or still want to use your
terminal for other things.

Build frontend assets

cd client/ npm install && npm run dev cd admin/ npm install && npm run dev

Run Tests

./vendor/bin/sail test```