Neural network-based model approximation nnbma
is a Python package that handle the creation and the training of neural networks to approximate numerical models.
In [1], it was designed and used to derive an approximation of the Meudon PDR code, a complex astrophysical numerical code.
To build your own neural network for your numerical model, we recommend installing the package.
The package can be installed with pip
pip install nnbma
To reproduce the results from [1], clone the repo with
git clone
Alternatively, you can also download a zip file.
This package relies on PyTorch to build neural networks. It enables to evaluate any neural network, its gradient, and its Hessian matrix efficiently.
If you do not have a Python environment compatible with the above dependencies, we advise you to create a specific conda environment to use this code (
[1] Palud, P. & Einig, L. & Le Petit, F. & Bron, E. & Chainais, P. & Chanussot, J. & Pety, J. & Thouvenin, P.-A. & Languignon, D. & Beslić, I. & G. Santa-Maria, M. & Orkisz, J.H. & Ségal, L. & Zakardjian, A. & Bardeau, S. & Gerin, M. & Goicoechea, J.R. & Gratier, P. & Guzman, V. (2023). Neural network-based emulation of interstellar medium models. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 10.1051/0004-6361/202347074.