This product aims to assist hosts of Escape Rooms in the process of observing players during an Escape Room game. It intends to give a clear overview of the current situation of the game.
Instructions for OpenCV
- Download OpenCV from
- For Windows: Choose 3.4.1 Win Pack
- Run downloaded .exe and extract files in self-selected map
- Copy opencv\build\java\x64\opencv_java341.dll to Trackscape/libs
- Copy opencv\build\bin\opencv_ffmpeg341_64.dll to Trackscape/libs
Instructions for working with the API
When a configuration is started, a server will also be available for API calls. The API calls will be processed only when activity is found on the cameras.
The port of the API calls can be determined in the config file, when it isn't given the default port is 8080. There are two API calls:
- section?completed=true
- chest?opened=true
The first call sets the next section to completed. The second call sets the next chest to opened. The API call has the following structure:
For example, the following call opens the next chest of a room which listens to port 8080 on a server on the same computer:
A section can also be a chest. When all sections of the to be opened chest are already done and the next section is completed, the chest will be opened.
Potential for Machine Learning
The application stores data about potential chests that the user has identified as chests or as non-chests. This data can be used for a machine learning algorithm, which could be used to optimize the detection of chests in the future.